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Grass Stains and Touchdowns

I love to watch kids playing football. Their varying degrees of grass stains, interest, and commitment. It looked like a…
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Food Courts and School Buses: An Abstract Pondering

Seating is so limited at the mall today that people have resorted to sharing tables with strangers.   How very…
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The Power of “This.”

Significance is a desire within us, a birthright. We each long to matter, to be extraordinary, to be outstanding, to…
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We Call Her Big Mama

We call her Big Mama, and sometimes Mama Cass. She is the giant red umbrella that shades our patio during…
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This Mom, Other Moms, Shining Stars and State Testing

“Mom, can you opt us out of the state testing?” “Why?” “Because some other moms are doing that.” “Maybe they…
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The Golden Light of Endings

In his book, I Wrote This For You, Iaian Thomas wrote a breathtaking poem that I can’t stop thinking about.…
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Thousand Kindnesses

A Thousand Small, Glittering Kindnesses

Today, I’ve been thinking about the time when we were on a layover at the airport and a young man…
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Listen, I Know It Wasn’t Safe.

I was driving home on a cold November evening, when I pulled up to a stoplight at a busy intersection.…
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A Voice and A Choice

“Tricia, this weekend we will be spending time with a ten-year-old boy whose mom died recently.  What cues do you…
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If Ever You Need to Feel Brave

“I was brave?” the four-year-old asked. “You were — you are brave,” Eddie told her. “What does brave mean?” Ruth…
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Juggling the Glass and the Plastic

I read recently about an interview with author Nora Roberts, where someone asked her how to balance writing and kids.…
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Freedom, Tight Shoes, and Green Beans from the Freezer

On my birthday, I exhaled into a new word: Freedom.  For nearly three weeks of my new age of 43,…
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My first husband died eleven years ago, on the morning of December 23, 2010. In the days to follow, I…
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Chocolate for a Cellist

Knock, Knock. Who’s there? Something that should matter to you. Something that should matter to you – who? Yes. And…
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A Love Letter to Simone

Well done, Simone. Well done.   We don’t own you, Simone. Nobody does. We have showed you off like you…
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A Word to Graduates

Middle School is officially in the rearview mirror.  Everybody finished, everybody survived, and I don’t just mean the eighth graders.…
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School is In Session

I took my children to school today. It felt gloriously normal, like muscles that have ached to be stretched. It’s…
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TLW Christmas

Give My Book for Christmas!

A Christmas Special: Give my book for Christmas!   For $20, I’ll send to you a *personalized, signed copy* of…
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“I’ve Seen Better Legs on a Table”

I am forty-one years old.  That happened this summer. I am solid in my emotional convictions about birthdays (love them)…
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Raindrops, Bicycle Gears, and Morrie

Three things have happened, and they are sorting themselves into the same space of my mind, as if they belong…
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You Are Safe Now

Available April 9, 2024

This Book Is for You

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A book about falling in love with the Bible

Just. You. Wait.

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#1 New Title on Amazon in Christian Inspiration

You Can Do This

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#1 New Title on Amazon in Women's Issues!

Let's Pretend We're Normal

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#1 Bestseller on Amazon in Single Parenting

And Life Comes Back

Now Available
#1 in Denver Post: Nonfiction Paperback and Finalist for 2015 Christian Book Award
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