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The Thing about a Parade

I’ve been in my share of parades. Probably more than my share, actually. Marching band parades, down the main street…
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I Guess I Didn’t Realize

Scrolling through the photos on my iPhone, Tyler saw a candid picture of him and me at my 40th birthday…
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Marshmallows and Subtlety

“Mom, do you see that woman? The one with all the ingredients for Rice Krispie treats in her cart? Do…
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Better than a Thousand Cups of Haagen Dazs

We were in that post-bedtime crazy-making part of the day. I had given them all I’m going to give, I…
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To Wear Yourself Out. Human Exhaustion Lead To Depression. Icons

Good Parenting is Freaking Hard

You guys, I’m exhausted. We are limping into a new week around here. Good parenting is freaking hard. When I…
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Made in 1955

My phone rang a few minutes after 6:00 this morning. Since it is January, it felt like 3:30 am. It…
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Needle about to pop a green balloon

Santa and Leprechauns: The Truth Revealed at Our House

“Mommy, are Leprechauns real, or do the moms and dads really just do all that stuff?” Okay, two things. First…
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Legos. Markers. Library books. Angry Birds. And Grace.

I cleaned the boys’ bedrooms. Yes, I know they should clean them on their own. There are many things they…
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Hope for My Girls

He had waited in line to share his words with me. (It always humbles me when people will stand in…
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Oblivious? Or Choosing Not To Notice…

It’s not that I don’t know that someone else should pick up the dog poop around here. It’s not that…
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Harvest Entitlement

“Boys, I bought new summer shirts for you. You can choose which one you’d like to wear to school today.”…
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Foregone Conclusion

“Tricia, you seem to write and think and talk about marriage as if it’s definitely going to happen. Like it’s…
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Cut, Twirl, or Eat With Your Hands

We have Red Plate traditions in my family.  The Red Plate is exactly as it sounds. I imagine there’s a…
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Strep Never Sounded So Good

Tucker had a lump sticking out the side of his neck.  Walnut sized.  Noticeable and concerning. Very concerning. I tried…
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Be Gone, Pieces and Parts.

A few years ago, we added a decal to the back window: one of those you’ve perhaps noticed on the…
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You Are Safe Now

Available April 9, 2024

This Book Is for You

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A book about falling in love with the Bible

Just. You. Wait.

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#1 New Title on Amazon in Christian Inspiration

You Can Do This

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#1 New Title on Amazon in Women's Issues!

Let's Pretend We're Normal

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#1 Bestseller on Amazon in Single Parenting

And Life Comes Back

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#1 in Denver Post: Nonfiction Paperback and Finalist for 2015 Christian Book Award
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