Syndicated is a Wonderful Word.

So many new things are happening in these crazy times, you guys.
Like the fact that I seem to have become a homeschooling mom who bakes pies and walks several miles a day.
It’s like that game on Facebook where you’re supposed to post a status that makes people think you’ve been abducted. Like if they read it, they’d be like, “What? Who is this? Who took her phone?? Can we be sure she’s even safe if she’s posting something like this??”
I’m not sure who I’ve become. But I have a tan line from my Fitbit. So, things are weird.
Also, remember that Open Letter I wrote to teachers? It touched a pretty powerful nerve, landing in the broken hearts of the teachers, and it has gone officially v-i-r-a-l.
As of today, it has been shared more than 70,000 times, over a million interactions. In the last couple of weeks, my words have been featured with Good Morning America also Today.
And now, as of today, my writing is syndicated with ScaryMommy.
Like I said, crazy, crazy times.
Also, I can’t seem to keep my family stocked with enough pickles, of all things. We are going through jars as if I canned them myself. (Let’s not go crazy.) It’s the spears they love, the dill and the sweet. Crazy times, I’m telling you. Completely Bananas.
(Dear ScaryMommy: my new favorite word is Syndicated. Thanks for the LOVE!)
Pam Sumrall says:
So exciting Tricia! Happy to call you mentor & friend.
Karen Hom says:
Pisor Claire says:
Sally Chetwynd says:
Whoooo hoooooo! This is one of those times when the word “viral” is great news!
Shawna Hettich says:
Yay!!!!! I immediately forwarded that post to all of my middle school colleagues. It perfectly captured how I had been feeling- on the edge of tears all the time for no apparent reason…just unaccountably sad. You nailed it, Tricia! Thanks for speaking on our behalf.