A Free Book for You: Love Better Sooner
As a collaborative author and ghostwriter, sometimes I cannot tell you what I’ve been working on. But sometimes I can. Today, I get to. And I love when that happens.
(As an added gift in your Christmas stockings, I get to share it with you for free. Isn’t this a great day?)
Love Better Sooner is a handbook for anyone who longs to improve their relationships, who wishes for a chance to be better at this journey of loving well. It’s all about the art of intentional love, and it equips you to love in better ways, sooner in your life. It was one of my major projects of 2018, and I’m so proud of this book.
Mark Benish is a marriage counselor, family therapist, and workshop facilitator. As I met with him week after week to learn the content of this book, each session felt like personalized marriage counseling. Mark has a way of meeting you where you are, joining you on the journey, and giving you practical skills to implement right away.
Basically, Peter and I keep him on speed-dial.
His best techniques are in this book, Love Better Sooner: Learning the Art of Intentional Love. This book is transparent, honest, practical, and quite readable (even if I do say so myself).
Best of all, during this week of the Grand Release, Love Better Sooner is free on Amazon. Download today, and you can read it on any device.
Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, and may you Love Better Sooner.
“I implore you… don’t read this book. Devour it. Study it. Underline it. Discuss it. I know you’ll love it!”
~ Dr. Alan Zimmerman,
author of The Payoff Principle: Discover the 3 Secrets for Getting What You Want Out of Life and Work
Christina Pedigo says:
I’m so excited !
Robin says:
Can’t wait to read this!
I love the concept of intentionally learning, studying and practicing how to love BETTER.
I’ve actually thought about this idea many times in the past myself. Thinking that we study and work on so many things in our lives that really don’t matter and the one thing that matters most…
Our relationships, we generally just shoot from the hip. When it comes to love, all of us come from different backgrounds on our knowledge and understanding of what healthy love is and how to give/show it to others. Some of us were taught well, love was demonstrated beautifully and freely given, some of us weren’t taught or shown or given love at all or were shown a very unhealthy version of love, which wasn’t really love at all.
I concluded:
We need a manual, a class, a tutorial, a demonstration, A BOOK ? to define what Healthy Love is and how to give and receive it freely…♥️
Truly, I believe love is the most important skill for each of us to learn to master in this life. When it comes to love, there is no greater teacher than God, Himself aka the power source of ALL Love.
Congratulations! What an honor to be part of such an important project.
What I would have given to have been in that room with you both week after week 🙂
Cant wait to read it!!
Robin Riley-Walsh says:
Can’t wait to read this!
I love the concept of intentionally learning, studying and practicing how to love BETTER.
I’ve actually thought about this idea many times in the past myself. Thinking that we study and work on so many things in our lives that really don’t matter and the one thing that matters most…
Our relationships, we generally just shoot from the hip. When it comes to love, all of us come from different backgrounds on our knowledge and understanding of what healthy love is and how to give/show it to others. Some of us were taught well, love was demonstrated beautifully and freely given, some of us weren’t taught or shown or given love at all or were shown a very unhealthy version of love, which wasn’t really love at all.
I concluded:
We need a manual, a class, a tutorial, a demonstration, A BOOK ? to define what Healthy Love is and how to give and receive it freely…♥️
Truly, I believe love is the most important skill for each of us to learn to master in this life. When it comes to love, there is no greater teacher than God, Himself aka the power source of ALL Love.
Congratulations! What an honor to be part of such an important project.
What I would have given to have been in that room with you both week after week 🙂
Cant wait to read it!!
Sheryl says:
Thank you!!!