Introducing the New Book: Just. You. Wait.
One of the fun things about a manuscript that’s nearly finished – aside from the exhaling blissful release of being very nearly finished – is when I get to start showing you little nuggets from the new book.
Picture me lifting a silver lid off your room service platter.
“There is always work to be done in the waiting. Sometimes the work is hands on and physical, and other times it is a solitary journey of soul searching. Sometimes the work is a discipline of noticing, a practice of being alert and aware; sometimes it is about being patient, loving, and present. But when we choose to surrender to the moment, when we seek to believe this moment is part of a larger story, and when we embrace the ache of the longing, the wait is never wasted.”
~ Tricia Lott Williford
Just. You. Wait.
Coming to you in 2019
Tricia Lott Williford
Michelle (Snyder) Drummond says:
I am excited for this new book! I am so happy for you Tricia❤️
Diane says:
I can’t wait!! (See what I did there? ????)
Mary E says:
Oh my goodness!! I want to read it now!! This is the very subject that God has been working into my life! Wait. Be present. Peace while waiting. Prepare. Seek God. Show up for friends. Be willing to do what God has for me. Thank you for writing on this subject!! ????
Beth says:
Could we sign up now for your launch team?
Jerilyn Bisbee says:
Don’t.Wanna.Wait. LOL!! CONGRATS, TRISH!!
Emily Hall says:
YAY!!! So excited to read your book.
Sally Chetwynd says:
Huzzah! You go, girl!
September Vaudrey says:
Woohoo! Cannot wait to read this. Every book you write is a joy, friend.
Stephanie and Joe Pomponio says:
Gives me shivers!!! Love it!!!