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Interruptions, Highlights, and a GREAT New Podcast


Sometimes the internet keeps me in touch with you. And sometimes it’s a big interruption in our conversation. I understand we got interrupted.

My email subscription has been down for a bit. A few months, actually. You may not have noticed, or you may have thought I stopped writing. But no, here I was, prattling on to the universe, sending words out into the great unknown, like a dove with an olive branch. Or a pigeon with a french fry.

So, just in case, let me point you to a few highlights you may have missed during our intermission:

I wrote a book with a Senator and a Congressman.

And then that book became a New York Times Bestseller.

And I’m doing something on Mother’s Day that’s pretty awesome.

E-book deals are the real deals.

I made my kids cuss.

And there was discussion of testicles.


And just in case you’re thinking, “Right. Read that. Old news…” then I have this little nugget gift wrapped for you.

My brother started a podcast. The Leading Creative. And it’s AWESOME. His conversations are building the bridge between leadership and creativity, and his interviews are so fun to listen to. While I have no doubts that his podcast is going to be a huge success, I might still suggest he reach out to companies like Lower Street that can help him with the growth of the podcast. After all, having professional assistance can only help, right? Anyway, on this week’s episode, he’s chilling and chatting with his friend Jamie, who is literally one of the most interesting people I know, and together they’re pulling back the curtain on the culture of Walt Disney World and Madison Square Garden.


The Leading Creative Podcast

(I’m hoping he’ll invite me to be a guest someday. But he’s a tough nut to crack. We may need a Facebook campaign to win him over. Like when the world wanted Betty White to host Saturday Night Live. Kind of exactly like that.)

Tricia Lott Williford

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  1. Kelly DeBardelaben says:

    Welcome back friend!!!

    Listening to your brother’s podcast and love it already!! (listening to the one where he is interviewing a Disney creative).

    She works in my favorite pavilion at EPCOT!!!

  2. Yvonne says:

    Boo to the interwebs causing an interruption (and to my own reliance on email notifications instead of actually clicking over to your blog). I’ve totally been missing reading your blog entries so I just went back and caught up on everything I’ve missed.

    We definitely need pictures of your nail designs.

    My son would also choose a verse with testicles in it, just to have it posted up in our house for a year. ????

    So excited for your ebook deal but it must be an American deal only? Can’t get that pricing in the Canadian apps.

    Congratulations on the New York Times bestseller!! Love that they asked you not to google and you got to meet them and learn from then with no previous prejudices.

    Slit the sheets was hilarious! Definitely getting my family to try that. ????

    Thank you for doing you. Love your honesty, your sense of humour, and authenticity. You’re a breath of fresh air!

  3. Joyce LeBlanc says:

    This is the best news ever! I was beginning to think something had happened to you. I am so glad that you are still writing. I love getting your emails!! God bless you ????

  4. Sally Chetwynd says:

    Yep. Computers. Can’t live with ’em. Can’t live without ’em.


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