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There’s a New Girl In Town

My parents got a dog. You guys, I’m a fool for this puppy.

She is the most darling creature ever. I’ve lost all sense of propriety and boundaries. I want to be with her all the time. I want to buy her things and let her sleep in my bed. Which is especially weird because she doesn’t live with me.

Never mind the fact that I have three dogs of my own who would love for me to like them. That’s not important right now.

I have this theory about dogs. I think that if you get one good dog when you’re a kid, then you’ll spend the rest of your life trying to get another one just like it. When I was growing up, we had Jenny. The most good-natured, loving, forgiving, gentle dog. We got her when I was four years old, and I loved her for every day of her life, even as I sat with her when the vet put her to sleep when I was in college. And I’ve spent the rest of my life trying to find one like her.

We found her. And I’ve lost myself with affection.


Mrs. Landingham.

(If you’re a fan of The West Wing, you’ll recall this name from the quick-witted secretary to President Bartlett.  That woman absolutely deserved to have a dog named after her.)

Among those who know her well, she goes by Mandy.

If anyone needs me, I’ll probably be hanging out at my parents. Probably arguing with my kids to make them stop hogging the puppy.



Tricia Lott Williford

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  1. Emily Shanahan says:

    Shih Tzu puppies are a joy and a blessing, Tricia! ????Psalm 111????

  2. Elizabeth Sherman says:

    She looks like she’s at least part shih tzu. Our darling, Beatrice Merriweather, is shih tzu and the best dog ever! So glad she has come into your lives!

  3. Jessica Renshaw says:

    Tricia, seriously? Mrs. Landingham is NOT a good girl. She did NOT bring back the pink whats-it –and she BIT you!

  4. Sandy M says:

    very very cute!

  5. Brass Castle Arts says:

    It isn’t terribly unusual for a dog to be named after a person (real or fictitious). A bit more unusual is for a person to be named after a dog, which I am. Because I love dogs the way you do, I am proud of the fact.

    I agree that the great dogs of our childhoods colors our perspectives of our dogs in adulthood, which might seem unfair to the innocent dogs who come later in life, but I find it amazing at how many adulthood dogs not only meet the standard but often raise the bar. And every dog, no matter if it comes close to the childhood dog or not, blesses our lives with its own take on life in a human pack. Each has its own endearing qualities.

    Dogs and humans are an amazing pair.


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