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School Mornings and My Friendly Disposition: A Time Lapse.

Vintage Metal Analog Alarm Clock

I start the morning with such a friendly disposition. I promise you, I do.

“Good morning, guys,” I say with my gentle morning voice. I scratch their backs as they stir and open their eyes. I even give them morning warnings: “You don’t have to get up quite yet, but pretty soon. You can sleep a little longer, lovey.”

I’m telling you: I do not wake up grumpy. I don’t even think I have “the wrong side of the bed.” Unless I am awakened to a screeching, buzzing alarm. Then all bets are off. But generally, I am of a fine disposition in the morning.

And then things like this happen.

“Buddy, could you get dressed before you have your breafast?”
“I see you have a shirt on, but I need you to wear pants also.”
“I put your milk on your Cocoa Pebbles, so it can start to get soggy.” (Never mind that it’s against human nature to like soggy cereal.)
“Would you like for me to pack your lunch today, or do you want to pack it?”
“Could you please come to the table?”
“Please don’t be silly at the table.”
“Stop picking fights with your brother.”
“No, your chocolate milk doesn’t taste like coffee. It’s not coffee. No, I’m promising you: it is not coffee.”
“We are leaving in 12 minutes. Have you packed your lunch? You said you wanted to.”
“Remember to brush your teeth, please.”
“Only two cookies in your lunch.”
“Only two cookies, I said.”
“Two cookies.”
“Your chocolate milk does not have coffee in it. Seriously. I promise.”
“I know you need a snack also, and you can choose grapes or goldfish crackers. No, the cookies are for your lunch – actually, you can eat the cookies any time you want throughout the day. But you are not taking more than two cookies to school in any part of your lunch or backpack.”
“Have you brushed your teeth?  No, we brush at night to keep our teeth.  We brush in the morning to keep our friends.”
“Shoes and socks, please.”
“We’re leaving in 7 minutes.”
“Shoes and socks, please.”
“Shoes. And socks. What is your job right now? That’s right. Do it.”
“Two cookies is the limit. I’m not changing my mind on this.”
“There is”
“We’re leaving in 2 minutes.”
“Don’t forget to fill your water bottle.”
“Buddy. Shoes.”
“We are leaving ten seconds ago.”

And then: Enough.

“You guys! Shoes and socks on! I told you – two cookies and only two cookies! And for crying out loud, I did not put coffee in your milk! Put your lunch in your backpack and get in the CAR!”

And then they look at me with weepy, hurting eyes. “Mom, why do you have to be so angry in the morning?”

Right.  I’m the big jerk around here.

Tricia Lott Williford

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  1. Melissa in Prague says:

    Amen and amen. It’s as if we don’t do the same thing EVERY. MORNING. It’s nothing new, peeps. You know how this goes!

  2. Jen Russell says:

    For all of us who have already gone through this stage in life, I thank you for my smile today!

  3. Julie says:

    I so have to laugh at this. My daughter just sent this to me to help me understand her morning. She is 34 and has 2 boys. Thirty years ago I could have written this exact story. Ladies, you have my empathy but, let me reassure you, I did survive it. I am 64 and today I have lovely, grown up daughters that are now my friends. And, shockingly, I do miss it, or at least most of it. Best wishes to all of you!

  4. Wendy Richtsmeier says:

    “No, we brush at night to keep our teeth. We brush in the morning to keep our friends” I love this so much! It will get used in our house,

  5. Stephanie says:

    Yes! Every.Single.Day. ?

  6. Michele Greene says:

    I am right there with you. All my kids do this, but my one child hates chores and will slink away as soon as you’re not looking. Yesterday, I told her I was disappointed that she didn’t do the dishes after I asked her twice. Then she yells “So, I’m a disappointment to you! Way to start the morning.” Ugh. But, one day it will be quiet and we will be wishing for cookies and chocolate milk.

  7. Leah says:


  8. Sally M. Chetwynd says:

    Child playing outside finally responding to calling mother: “I didn’t hear you the first two times.”

  9. Lauren Green says:

    I am so glad to hear that I am not the only mom who eventually looses her cool in the morning. But I only have one mobile, talking child…

  10. Amanda says:

    oh my this is hilarious! I thought it was so funny I had to read it again out loud to the family members because it is totally our house!!

  11. Melissa says:

    Oh my goodness, this is so us!! And it’s just gotten worse this year now that the 11 year old has hormones and notices girls!!

  12. Jennifer says:

    I can so relate to this!

  13. mtrahyn says:

    I have two three year olds and a five year old. I can’t believe how much this sounds like me, just on a different level. I have never hated hearing my own voice so much as the re-direction, re-direction, re-direction I have to do to make sure they “stay on task” ha ha. Thanks for this post!

  14. LWinter says:

    All too true. But it doesn’t get any better as they older! Sorry. 🙂

  15. Kathy says:

    Oh it’s not just me….what a relief.

  16. Becky Johnson says:

    First good laugh of the mornin’ ! Oh do I remember the days. It is amazing how small children can really turn the nicest, calm adult into a raving lunatic.

  17. Leah says:

    Amen Sister! I feel like I am herding cows or puppies… whichever one is worse! JUST GET INTHE DARN CAR!!!


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