Odes to Family Camp and Laundry and School Supplies

Talent Show

We are home from a whirlwind summer.  When I say “whirlwind,” it may or may not indicate that my suitcase still holds some miscellaneous items from three trips ago.

We finished our summer with a grand exclamation mark: A week at Family Camp.  It was six days of hikes and waterslides and volleyball and rock climbing and pancakes and s’mores and mosquito bites and conversations stretching into the sunset.  It was everything awesome.

As we wrapped up the week there, Peter said, “Let’s think about what will happen when we get home.  What is something that, if it doesn’t happen, you’ll be really disappointed?”

I think he expected me to say something deep and profound, something about faith and parenting, something I had learned from the week together that I hoped to implement in a new and healthy routine.

But, no. I said, “Peter, if the boys do not go back to school on Thursday, I can tell you that I will be very disappointed.”

(They make advent calendars for Christmas.  I have one in my heart for the First day of School.  It’s a grand finish line.  And the reward is called Routines and Structure and Margin and Crayola markers.)

You guys, honestly, I just want to spend the day finding some coffee shop mojo, surrounding myself with my books and pens and creative process.  I cannot wait to tell you all the things, because I do have many things to say, and also because I miss hanging out with you.  But I have that laundry situation to take care of, plus school supplies to check off multiple lists, because it does look like the boys will indeed go back to school on Thursday.  (Praise God from whom all blessings flow.)

In the meantime, I have this fun little nugget for your Monday morning. I present to you our opening act for the Family Camp Talent Show.

(No, I did not write it or create it.  And if you’ve ever been to any version of summer camp, you’ve likely seen this little ditty.  But this is our happy little version of A Night at the Movies.  And I think we can all agree that the over-acting of those two dudes in the middle is noteworthy.)

Tricia Lott Williford

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  1. Melissa in Prague says:

    I think the two hams in the middle did a stellar job. And that one hasn’t made its way to Prague, so we may well just be stealing it for our church talent show.

  2. Jessica Renshaw says:

    Love it, Tricia! I needed that (sustained) laugh!

  3. Sally M. Chetwynd says:

    Well, I went to summer camp, and was a counselor at the same place ten years later, but I can’t say we ever did a skit like that! Maybe we should have! It had me giggling.

    One thing I remember was playing Human Croquet. The campers are divided into two groups, and the counselors are the wickets. One team starts at one end of the croquet field, and the other team starts at the other end. The campers have to crawl between the legs of the counselors, one right behind the other, and proceed around the field. It gets dicey when the wickets may have two sets of campers, each line trying to go in the opposite direction from the other, all while the wicket is trying to stay on her feet. The first team to complete the course is the winning team. One child mangled the name of the game, however, but was probably more accurate in asking when we would next play “Human Crochet.”


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