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“You Can Do This” Giveaway: Tricia’s Favorite Things!


Here. Come and sit with me. I’ve got a nice spot reserved for us here at my table, with a vase of daisies and my favorite coffee mug—the red one with white polka dots. Pour whatever you choose into your cup; it’s not actually about the coffee, anyway. It’s mostly about the warmth, the comfort, something to sip as we talk and think. Personally, I love my little polka-dotted cup for how it feels in my hands. I always feel more sophisticated when I am holding a coffee cup, and I find it helpful for gesturing, if you want the honest truth. And I hope we can agree that polka dots are almost always a nice touch. Polka dots and daisies are the essence of happy. Most of life is a little happier with a splash of one or the other.

Here’s a little plate of caramel toffee scones, but don’t worry—I didn’t bake them. I mean, it’s not like you should fear for your life if I offer you my home-baked somethings. I only say, “Don’t worry,” because I don’t want you to think this whole scene is something it isn’t: meant to impress or make you feel like I have it all together. It’s just a table of intentional invitation. Because we’re friends now, you and I, and I have a couple of things to say to you.

* * *

Those are the opening words of You Can Do This. I seriously contend that the world is a better place with daisies and polka dots.  Add to that some scones, a Starbucks gift card, and a signed book, and you’ve got me by the heartstrings.

You guys, I have more big news for you today,
especially for those of you who like free things and winning. 

For the next ten days, the fantastic publishing people at NavPress
are hosting a “You Can Do This” Giveaway!

There are A Bunch of Ways to Enter, and each one gets you multiple entries!

Here’s what you can win:

  • A signed copy of You Can Do This
  • A bouquet of daisies
  • A “doodle” vase
  • Scone Mix with Caramel Icing
  • English toffee
  • Polka Dot Coffee Mug
  • Starbucks Gift Card


Here’s how you can Win:

  • Go to this link to enter the Giveaway
  • Share this contest on Facebook
  • Share on Twitter
  • Give NavPress a “like” on Facebook
  • Subscribe to My Blog
  • Subscribe to the NavPress Blog
  • Write a blog post to tell your readers about You Can Do This


I want you to have fun things, because that’s just the girl I am.  I like polka dots, daises, chocolate, coffee, books, and giving great gifts.

And I want you to have my book, because I’m in love with this project.  I’m excited about the confidence journey, and the world is better when we bring our best selves.  Find yourself in the pages, my friends.  Join me.

I hope you enter the contest.  Because I want you to win.

Tricia Lott Williford

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  1. Claire Pisor says:

    Just sat down and read your book yesterday. I have done that with all 3. Just read straight through. Then I go back and re-read the places that particularly touch my heart. This one was as wonderful as the last two…deep, light-hearted, touching, tear-producing, hope-filled, “of course, common sense-why didn’t I think of that”, “oh, I do that!”, already-shared-ideas, CONFIDENCE BUILDING, faith producing, Gospel sharing. Bought 4, one for me to “doodle” in, 3 others to give away. I don’t care if I win anything–I already have! Thanks, Tricia.
    Claire Pisor


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