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“Your book changed my life.”


When you write a book, you sign up to spend a lot of hours alone with the idea, never really knowing if anybody else will sing the melody with you.  You dance with it on the pages, and it shows up in your dreams. The story begins to grow in length and color, like a bracelet strung together one bead at a time. But you can never really be sure of what you’re doing, because writing isn’t about being sure; it’s about being brave.  So, you craft and spin, you wish and hope, and then you just straight up wait and see.

But then you finish.  And you send it out into the world.  And you let it breathe on its own.  And you straight up wait and see.

As we are gearing up for the nationwide launch of You Can Do This, a couple hundred early copies have gone out into the world. They’ve gone out to booksellers, reviewers, and people of influence, who get to read the book and decide if it’s something they can get behind.  Word is rushing back in, and the verdict is overwhelming: They’re saying Yes.  Left and right, the people are saying, “Yes, please.”

I got this letter from Jaci, and her words brought as much delight to me as a bouquet of a thousand daisies.  Take a look, my friends.

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Your book changed my life.

Seriously! What you have in those pages was a beautiful, powerful gift to me. It’s been days since I’ve finished reading and I’m still left grappling for the right words to convey to you just how much I loved and needed You Can Do This (which is quite a feat as I’ve always been a word-girl!).

After reading your book, I feel as if we are close friends. You understand me and what I’ve been through. I never quite realized it, but so much of my life was governed by fear and insecurity.

Just to give you an example: In recent years, I had made up my mind that I would never have kids. The reason? I was afraid of what it would do to my body. I couldn’t bear to think about gaining weight, acquiring stretch marks, and trying to combat the criticism of others when I couldn’t even see the beauty in my body as a healthy college student. Not to mention my fears of raising my children all wrong and ruining their lives! Chapters 12 and 16 opened my eyes to everything wrong with my mindset. Fear doesn’t get to take the wheel here! I’m not a mother now, but your words have pressed me to rearrange my ideas about parenting and children. Now, it’s an endeavor I’d happily pursue if the Lord calls me to it–not a nightmare!

Tricia, I pulled out my highlighter on the first page of your book and couldn’t set it down until I’d finished. I ran the ink on some pages with my tears. I laughed with you and commiserated about jean shopping (Oh boy do I get that!). You have a gift, and I can’t wait for other women to read this book. Personally, I know I will be rereading it and recommending it to all the women in my life.

So to make a long, rambling email short: Thank you. Thank you for sharing your wisdom with others. You have made a profound impact on my life in just 200 pages, and I will undoubtedly continue to work on my confidence journey. 



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Write every day,
line by line,
page by page,
hour by hour.
Do this despite fear.
For above all else,
beyond imagination and skill,
what the world asks of you is courage,
courage to risk rejection, ridicule and failure.
As you follow the quest
for stories told with meaning and beauty,
study thoughtfully but write boldly.
Then, like the hero of the fable,
your dance will dazzle the world.

~ Robert McKee

(You can order yours here.)

Tricia Lott Williford

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  1. Your book looks so enticing! I love the cover!

  2. I’m so excited…I preordered mine and it should be in my mailbox very soon! I don’t know you but I know you, because I shared your Rob story when I lived my Darrell story. I clung to your book then…tear soaked pages and embraced it saying ‘yes, Jesus thank you for showing me, someone else has been here’. My husband went to be with Jesus to; I’m a mom of four boys…now all young men. I’ve cried with you. I’ve cried tears with you as GOD turned your mourning into JOY with new love! What a gift Peter is to you and your boys and you all to him. I’m so excited to share in this new book with you, ‘my blog girlfriend’. We probably will never know each other this side of heaven…but I feel I know you! LOL I cannot wait to read your new book…and see more of myself through the gift you have in sharing you. THANK YOU ahead of time!

  3. Can’t wait to read my copy. Amazon said it’s on it’s way!!

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