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Barnes & Noble Booksellers … and Big News!


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I have such fun and amazing news, you guys.

Fun.  Amazing.  Big.  All the good words.

We are in the one-month countdown now to the release of You Can Do This,
and I just found out the best, biggest news.

Barnes and Noble Booksellers
has decided to feature You Can Do This
on a main table
in 64 major stores nationwide.

That’s not nothing.  That’s the exact opposite of nothing.

Peter and I went on a little field trip to Barnes and Noble
to celebrate with a grand announcement.

Click here to see my exuberant Facebook Live announcement.

I was super excited,
running all over the place with my bouncing curly hair and my red shoes.
Kind of like a wild woman.

But I don’t think you can blame me.

Because Barnes and Noble.


Tricia Lott Williford

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