A Word to Tired Moms of Little People

I happened onto this gold nugget my brother gave me several years ago, back when I was in the trenches of potty-training and naptime schedules and dispensing Cheerios.
He said –
“The thing is, Tricia, when they’re grown, when these stay-at-home years are over, you can look back and say, ‘I did that.’ Don’t let anyone say that five years isn’t a long time. In anyone’s life span, five years is a healthy percentage, a solid investment. And you’ll be able to look back and say, ‘I was there. I did that with them.’
And you’re doing it, day in and day out. Not just when it’s fun, not just when it’s convenient, not just when it’s time for a milestone. You’re there. Everyday.
And someday they’ll look back on this and see the face of love. They’ll know how to love people; they’ll know it isn’t just about the fun, the convenience, the milestones.
It’s about the everyday. You’re showing them the face of love.”
~ My brother, On a Phone Date
* * *
On the phone on that day, I needed those words in the worst way.
Maybe today, you do.
Good job, moms.
You’re doing it – the hard work, day in and day out.
You’re showing them the face of love.
Someday, you can look back and say,
“I was there. I did that.”
“God sees you. He designed this parenting journey, after all. He understands the chaos of motherhood, and he joins you in everything – whether you’re scrubbing the floor, nursing a fussy newborn, or driving your kids to soccer practice.”
~ Catherine McNiel,
Long Days of Small Things: Motherhood as a Spiritual Discipline
Sharon says:
I hope they are seeing the love, not the tired and grumpy. Thanks for sharing!