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It Is Well.

Sunshine girl

When peace like a river attendeth my way,

When sorrows like sea billows roll,

Whatever my lot,

Thou has taught me to say,

It is well,

It is well with my soul.


How I love this song. How I always have.


It’s been my companion through the darkest seasons, valleys, and nights, I’ve raised my hands to believe again, singing this song.


But here’s what I realized: it hasn’t been my song on the brightest seasons, hilltops, and days.


I skip right past that first line so I can jump to the second one.

I skip the peace to withstand the storm.


But the truth is, it’s always honoring to say, “It is well.” Not just when the wellness is hard to find.


This season I am in? Oh, my. I can’t quite wrap my mind around the joy of it. There’s just so much joy, so much peace, so my happiness, so many dreams fulfilled. But instead of holding it with both hands and loving the living, I wait for the sea billows. I wait for the shoe to fall, for the bad phone call, for the bad news. And I surrender my own peace, waiting for the sorrows like sea billows.


I’m learning how much surrender there is in opening my hands and saying, “This? This is good. I will receive this gift without fear and without an expiration date. This is good because it is.”


When I set the table with four place settings,

When Peter and I reach for the glass of water we’re sharing during bedtime TV,

When we are singing in the car, all four of us, windows down and hearts abandoned,

When everyone is healthy,

When the sun is shining,

When my heart is so full it feels like it might break for a whole new reason,

When my children are learning and leading,

While we’re in this sweet spot where they’re old enough to be independent but young enough to still believe we are relevant and interesting,

When God’s favor is abundant, though his faithfulness is forever,

When there is hope and joy and peace,

When every single night I get – and give – a good night kiss,


“It is well, it is well with my soul.”

Tricia Lott Williford

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  1. Courtney Sidener says:

    You give me hope for a season of joy and remind me that without surrender I will stray from that. But you are real and honest with your feelings and I so appreciate that. I strive to do the same in my own writing. Your inspiration on many levels.

    Thank you

  2. Nancy Adams says:

    Blessed again by your words ‘it is well with my soul’, also a favorite hymn. Your present joy warmed the cockles of my heart and brought a tear to my eye realizing the goodness and greatness of God anew and what He has done in all of your lives. May God continue to bless during times of glee and even ‘the seas’, but like you said, let’s not wait around in fear of it happening. Thanks for all you share so willingly.

  3. Anah Wilcox says:

    I am not familiar with this song. Would you mind sharing the title and maybe an artist? I’d love to listen to it.

  4. Brass Castle Arts says:

    Amen! It’s so important to remember to praise God when we are happy, as well as asking for His guidance and strength when we are in turmoil. I appreciate the revelations you share, and your book “And Life Comes Back” was a valuable read for me, although I have not experienced the kind of loss you did.

  5. LLOYD D. CARLTON says:

    IT is well. Thanks, Tricia.

  6. Ava says:

    Deborah, that is a thought-provoking statement.

  7. Ava says:

    Tricia, what you write here makes so much sense, yet I never considered it quite in this way. It’s as if we believe God is going to be stingy or something. Is it a type of unbelief perhaps- like the Israelites who were afraid to go into Canaan?

  8. Stephanie Conrad says:

    My husband died 7 months ago, he was 38. We have a beautiful little boy, who is about to turn two! I am sad today, but thank you for this entry to your blog. I hope one day I will have a peace and joy back in my life. God has gotten me this far….

  9. Carroll Lee says:

    Thanks Tricia. Ordered two copies of your new book because Rob told me too. Can’t wait. May God continue to bless your family.

  10. Janet says:

    It’s so good to know that you are learning still to trust our Trustworthy God. This post was a blessing to me. Thank you.

  11. Deborah says:

    I am so delighted for you in your current season and you’ve expressed it so meaningfully. . I too can relate to the “waiting for the other shoe to drop” sensation. I wonder what it says about what I believe about God? I think we hear it said so often that we learn more about God in trial and tribulation that I’ve come to think he wants us in the valley full-time.


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