You Can Do This: A Book Cover Is Born!

They say you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover.
But sometimes I think it’s okay.
Like right now.
With this book.
This cover is everything I love.
Right down to the red shoes.
You Can Do This
Seizing the Confidence God Offers
With an inviting writing voice, her stories, and strategies, Tricia Lott Williford explores how confidence and self-awareness can be a path toward stronger and richer faith. She writes to inspire and lead women to develop the confidence to stand firm in the face of the blows, losses, and disappointments in life.
Readers of this book will think, laugh, and gain confidence to do what is set before them. They will feel hopeful, courageous, strengthened, encouraged, present, and confident. And finally, readers will be equipped to implement simple
strategies to inspire contagious confidence in themselves and others.
Coming June 20, 2017
Available now for Pre-Order on Amazon.
(It’s happening.)