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A Diamond Ring


Once upon a time, there was a curly girl and a handsome man, a cup of coffee and a diamond ring, and a million ways to say yes to one very important question.

I headed into Starbucks on Friday morning to make lattes and frappuccinos for the morning shift. Peter had casually mentioned that he might stop in to Starbucks that day, since most of his to-do list centered around phone calls and internet searching, which can be done anywhere. Little did I know how he had orchestrated everything to perfection.

I didn’t know he had a ring in his pocket and a plan in place. I didn’t know he had called Starbucks that morning to ask the shift manager to assign me to the cash register, thereby positioning me in the exact spot where I was when he met me for the very first time. I didn’t know, couldn’t know, and have now realized I don’t actually know everything in the world, and that’s a wonderful realization.

I spotted him when he got in line for a cup of coffee. I watched him let people in line in front of him. He seemed so centered, so grounded, so peaceful. He stepped up to the counter, next in line. And this sly, silver fox said to me, so evenly and with so much intention, “Trish, I came in here a few months ago, and I asked you to fill up my coffee cup. Today I would like to ask you for something more.”

And then his eyes got shiny with tears. And his mouth made an almost-frown that means he’s about to cry. And then he pulled a diamond ring out of his pocket, and he held it out to me across the counter.  And everything in the world disappeared except this man before me, on one knee.

He said, “Tricia, I’d like to ask you to be my wife.”IMG_1908

You guys, I was so overcome, so undone… I forgot to answer him. And it’s not like he didn’t know what I was going to say. I mean, we had talked about it. As we planned our future together, as we both had come to the unflinching conclusion that we want to marry one another, I had taken all the guesswork out of it for him. I mean, really, there are a few things in life a man should get to be sure of. His bride’s answer should be so crystal clear, so absolutely agreed upon, long before he takes a knee.

In our months of conversations, I had promised him, “Honey, when you ask me, I’ll say yes.”

But I was so surprised that it was happening, here and now, in this moment that had somehow surprised me though I knew he would someday ask. There he was, down on one knee, and I left him there, posed in the asking position while I stood there and cried. The poor guy just waited.

Until I said yes.
Because of course I said yes.
A million times yes.
For the rest of my life, yes.


I ran from behind the counter, and I literally leapt into his arm. He swept me up off the ground, and the entire restaurant erupted in applause.  He put this gloriously perfectly-perfect gift of a ring on my finger, and everyone cheered again.  And it wasn’t until then that I remembered there was anyone else around us… or anyone else in the world. Everything else had truly fallen away for that moment.

There was only Peter and a ring and the look on his face that I want to remember for all of my days.

* * *

“I love that you get cold when it’s 71 degrees out.
I love that it takes you an hour and a half to order a sandwich.
I love that you get a little crinkle above your nose when you’re looking at me like I’m nuts. I love that after I spend a day with you, I can still smell your perfume on my clothes. And I love that you are the last person I want to talk to before I go to sleep at night.
When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with someone, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible.”

~ Harry Burns, When Harry Met Sally

IMG_1903“I stepped up to the counter, and I asked for my wife.”
~ Peter

Tricia Lott Williford

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  1. Kim A. says:

    Oh, YAY!!! I haven’t stopped by for a visit in a long time, so I had to “catch up” on old blog posts and what a joy to read about this exciting new chapter God has been writing for you!!!
    MANY blessings to you both!! 🙂
    Hugs from PA,
    Kim A.

  2. Martha says:

    every Sunday night I read the NY Times Wedding section on my phone. Tonight as I read it, you and your blog popped into my head. “Oh I wonder what Tricia is up to – it’s been a couple of weeks since I’ve checked in.” I opened a new screen lo and behold you are engaged. what an awesome coincidence!! Congratulations – you deserve it!

  3. Nana says:

    Congratulations! So happy for you guys!!!

  4. DC says:

    Trish, and Peter, I’d like to share an idea relative to the two of you as soon as you have time.



  6. Raena Liston says:

    Yippie! So very happy for you both! And your precious boys too! May God bless this time and your future!

  7. Mary-Margaret says:

    Yes! LOVE wins!

  8. Patty Kline says:

    Whoop whoop whoop! That’s amazingly exciting and joyous news, Tricia! Congratulations to both you and Peter! So happy for you! 🙂

  9. Cindy Hetrick says:

    Overjoyed for you, Tricia! (Say hi to your Mom for me!). So exciting! Bethany’s for always sharing so wonderfully!

  10. Mark E says:

    I’ve known Pete for a long time – I won’t say how long because it ages both of us?. In fact Pete was my best man in my wedding. I’ve seen him at this greatest moments and I’ve seen him on some dark days ( both his and mine). I can’t imagine anything more exciting for him and while I’ve yet to meet you in person the way he describes your relationship makes me realize that he has many many more great moments ahead of him. My sincerest and deepest heartfelt congratulations to both of you.


  11. Wilma Rozema says:

    Just one word. AWESOME!

  12. Melissa in Prague says:

    Wow. Just wow. The Lord is so faithful, so good.
    Now, how ’bout a close-up of that ring???

  13. Char says:

    You know I was waiting for he details. Love your love story. Sweet from beginning to now. God’s blessing on you both. XOXO

  14. Leah says:

    Congrats! And even though we have never met, I don’t think that I have ever been happier for some one to find love again!!!!

  15. Diane Walden, long time reader says:

    Grinning at the very thought of it! Congratulations to you both. You deserve every happiness.

  16. Allison O'Hara says:

    YAY YAY YAY YAY!! Doing a happy dance… Many, MANY blessings, Trisha. I’m really so happy for you.

  17. JoAnn Stibrich says:

    Trisha & Peter,
    This story so warms my heart! May our Heavenly Father bless you as you begin the next chapter of your life! Thank you for not only sharing the sad and tough moments of your life but also these glorious and happy ones too!!!!!!

  18. Terri O. Sharp says:

    I just cried happy tears for you! I pray that you will be as blissfully happy with your Boaz as I am with mine!

  19. Carolyn says:

    WOW!!!! I’m so happy for both of you.

  20. Janeen says:

    Congratulations! Thrilled for you all.

  21. Ingrid says:

    Oh my goodness, yes!!! My morning has been unusually full of reminders of God’s story of redemption and this is the icing on that!! I’m so excited for the four of you. What a beautiful story that is rising from the ashes.

  22. Noelle says:

    Yay!! Yes!!!! I’ve been following you since I read your book a few years ago! I was going through my own losing my husband. Not in the way that you did, but through divorce. But I could relate to everything you were saying and feeling! I am so, so happy for you! Congratulations! How very sweet!!!

  23. LWinter says:

    “It was like… magic.” – Sleepless in Seattle. Congratulations to a very special couple. God’s blessing on you both.

  24. Carol Longenecker Hiestand says:

    smiling and smiling and wishing the pics were screen size!

  25. Janet says:

    Silver fox, indeed.

    Just lovely.

  26. Jan Pierce says:

    Lovely. Perfect. So happy for you.


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