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Pinterest Fail: How I Nearly Ruined My Son’s Birthday Party

Party Candles on a Slice of Birthday Cake

I very nearly ruined my son’s birthday party with my own grand ideas and a game I found on Pinterest. Ah, Pinterest. Ever my nemesis.

Yesterday was Tucker’s birthday party: the big 1-0. That’s two full hands, you guys. All ten fingers are now necessary to display his age.

Fifteen boys joined us at Dart Warz, whose party plan I am pretty much willing to mortgage my home for. The boys played 90 minutes of nonstop endless Nerf warfare, and I literally sat and ate gummy worms. I am so endlessly happy to delegate that leadership.

FullSizeRender1For the last 30 minutes of the party, they convened in the party room for pizza, cake, and presents.  Easy enough, right?  But I couldn’t just leave well enough alone. I had planned one simple and easy game: I wrapped 200+ pieces of candy into one giant ball of plastic wrap with the idea that they would pass it around the circle in an organized fashion, unwrapping layers of plastic and hidden candies, delighting in whatever landed in their laps and then graciously giving the next person a turn.

Suffice it to say, it did not go this way. And why on earth did I ever even think for one moment that it would? Do I not have enough experience to negate my own naiveté by now?

This is what Pinterest does. It robs you of your own self-awareness and boundaries. And common sense.

Click here to read the rest of the story in the Parenting Pages of PJ Media.

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Pinterest Fail: n. where good intentions come to die.


Tricia Lott Williford

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