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Variations on Psalm 13

Leather Bound Journal Outdoors

The psalms are my favorite.  Every emotion is represented in those songs and poems, and sometimes all of them at once.  This schizophrenic transparency on the page is something I can get behind.

One of the best tricks for writer’s block is to read the words of your favorite author and then adapt them for you own.  You can’t write whole books this way, but you can dislodge the block in your brain by borrowing someone else’s process.  Leather Bound Journal Outdoors

It works for me to take the words of the psalmist, to look into his process, and to dislodge the block in my heart with the words and patterns another artist has used before.

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Variations on Psalm 13

How long, O Lord?
Is this the way forever?
How long will you hide your plan from me?
How long must I fight against the doubts in my mind?
How long must I tear up their thorny stems, cutting at my hands, so the thick weeds will not take root?

Must I carry sadness,
like a stone in my pocket or a boulder on my back,
every day?
Is this your plan for me?
Is this what you desire?
How long will my enemies have the upper hand?
Their names are






and there seems to be a new one every day.

How long will they claim the victory?

Look at me, please.
My hand is raised, like a child among students.
Please call on me. Give me answers.
Give joy to my face, life to my eyes, a radiance I cannot explain.

Sometimes I think I will die from such weariness.
How can I go on this way?
Those enemies want to pin me down until I cannot move.
They want to sing their battle cry,
dance their victory dance,
wave their flags,
all while they chant,
“We have overcome her. She is ours.”

But I remember you are perfect.
Your plans never fail.
Your love is stronger, greater, always winning.
I can trust in this, even in the dark before dawn.
You have saved me. You have rescued me.
When I remember this, I can sing with my own voice.
I will celebrate.
I will rejoice.
My God has been good to me, even as I wonder.
He has been good, he is good, he will be good again.
My heart will sing, longer and louder,
even if only my God can hear.

Tricia Lott Williford

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  1. Barbara says:

    I love what you have done with this Psalm. VERY meaningful and a good lesson in application for us all.

    The Lord bless you, dear one!

  2. Jane says:

    Tricia, this is just beautiful! Thank you!

  3. sparrowandlily says:

    Love this

  4. Adina Brown says:

    I love this psalm by David. I love how honest he is with himself, though he feels like he’s on an emotional rollercoaster, like we do sometimes, he ends by claiming God is good!

  5. Claire Pisor says:

    How beautiful your claim of God–may the demons flee at the sound of it.

  6. Bill wise says:

    In the face of such profound sadness,all I can say is that when Jesus cried out o the cross,”My God! My God! why hast thou forsaken me?” He received no reply from His Father. My take on this is that God does not answer, “Why” questions.

    In Corinthians Paul wrote that God will provide a way out for us. I pray that god will provide this way for you soon. God bless you!!

    Bill Wise

  7. Christine O says:

    Amen!!! Tricia I need this right now! Thanks for sharing. I grow too.

  8. patty cook says:

    Praise God for the beautiful way you express MY deepest thoughts and feelings! Thank you for allowing Jesus to shine through your broken pieces and warm my heart! Blessings to you!

  9. Christina says:



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