O, Fairy Godmother of Hair Products

O, fairy godmother of hair products, wherefore art thou? Can’t you see that all my serums have run dry? How could you abandon me in my hour of need?
I had no choice but to use “Ollie Orange” 3-in-1 Tear-Free Shampoo-and-Conditioner-Body-Wash on my hair this morning.
No lather at all.
But, on the ups, no tears either.
At least we’re not yet in the life stage where I would have to borrow Axe body wash to get the job done. That’s a whole different kind of desperation.
Tricia Lott Williford
Allison says:
As a mom of all boys (4)…been their done that! I’ve only had to use the mens Old Spice once and we had a great laugh over it! More times I find them using mine. Rrrrr. 🙂
Barbara says:
Yes indeed. It could be worse!