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Four Broken Bones: Or, How To Ruin Summer in One Giant Leap


Tucker fell six feet from the top of a swing set.  In a crash landing, the arch of his foot bent backward underneath him and he cracked his instep to pieces.  His foot is broken in four places, the ligaments are torn, the growth plates are in danger, and we are awaiting a CT scan tomorrow and surgery next week. In the meantime, all 100 pounds of him cannot touch the ground.  Doctor’s orders.Splint

And, in his pattern of being *exactly like his dad*, he could not tolerate the narcotic pain meds and spent yesterday throwing up.  He fell this morning as he practiced navigating crutches in the living room.  He is in a wheelchair full-time, and we are the epitome of discouragement.

Last night, when it was all more than we could stand, we staged a jailbreak.  The mall has never felt so good, and ice cream in the food court has never been a sweeter nectar.

So long, summer fun. 

So long, afternoons at the pool.

So long, football camp.

So long, mini vacation to the Great Sand Dunes.

So long, so many things.

I’m so utterly exhausted.  I can’t even… (finish that sentence).

Tricia Lott Williford

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  1. Emily Goldberg says:

    Once it’s closer to healed… Is there anyway you can get in a trip to an amusement park? You would get to go to the front of all the lines. Small consolation…

  2. Glenna A. says:

    SOOOOOOOOOO sorry! And praying. Definitely praying. But, even though it’s a big disappointment, please remember it’s ONLY one summer. There will be others. Praying the Lord shows you how to make the best of it, and even to find blessing in it.

  3. Barbara says:

    OH! BUMMER to the max!

  4. Tom Pieper says:

    Praying for all of you to see, grasp, and experience new mercies every morning

  5. Jodi Meyers says:

    I am going to pray for those growth plates, and pray and pray. God – please protect those growth plates.

  6. Raena Liston says:

    Oh, no, this is very bad news! I’m so very sorry for Tucker and all of you! You will be in my prayers!

  7. Amber says:

    No!!! Oh I’m so sorry!! Last year our four year old broke her arm on 5/31 requiring surgery and I thought that was tough. Poor fella and the pain meds. Poor Mama. I’ll be praying for y’all. Prayers especially for those growth plates!!

  8. Sue Muckley says:

    oh NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! I am so sorry to hear this. It was just a few days ago I re-read all the mishaps last year. I will touch base with you to see what I could do to help.

  9. Jan says:

    I heard the mermaids crying at the thought of you not joining them at the pool. I’m so sorry for Tucker’s loss of summer. Perhaps this is a good time for him to start a new hobby, something less physical? One summer (similar situation) Kenton took up writing and eventually published his book.

  10. Peg says:

    A couple of years ago my middle child (age 5) broke both bones in his forearm and the only care we could get was 2 hours away because there was not an ortho doctor in our area who would touch him. We are a fishing/hiking/creek swimming family and it seriously hampered us (couldn’t get a waterproof cast.) And then my oldest needed a tonsilectomy because strep would not leave us alone. We, too, felt discouraged. That being said, we adapted and made our fun as best as we could. It’s a season. Hang in there! 😉 Prayers for you from this mom of a couple of busy boys and a crazy girl.


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