You Don’t Have to be Brave

My friend Katy wrote this morning about a FaceTime conversation with her granddaughter, Juniper. (Let’s just take a moment to acknowledge how darling that name is. And from what I’ve seen in photos, Juniper’s blue-eyed, freckled cuteness is edible.)
Juniper was working on her Valentines, and she showed them off to her grandparents via face-to-face technology. Katy said, “Juni, you inspire me. I’ve always wanted to paint like you do. I even went to the craft supply store, and I bought papers and brushes and paints to give it a try. But I haven’t done it yet, because I’m just not brave enough.”
Juniper’s reply is priceless to me..
“You don’t have to be brave. You just have to be excited.”
Tricia Lott Williford
Sherri Manios says:
Jane says:
Absolutely precious reply! “Out of the mouths of babes….”
Katy McKenna says:
Oh, Tricia! You said it better than I did. Juniper’s words touched me so profoundly. There wasn’t a hint of judgment or correction in her little voice. She just wanted to share with me what she knew to be true. You don’t have to be brave!!! So much love…..
Denise says:
May I just say that the simplicity, of that remark, brought tears to my eyes.