Sickness, Wellness, and a Beard for Grandma

We have been sick, every single one of us, with a virus of most ridiculous lasting power.
And let me tell you right now, it has crossed my mind that if one of my children asked me one more time, “Mommy, can’t we please go out for dinner?” or “Aren’t we going to do anything fun today?” all while I lay coughing up lungs and hugging myself to keep my own ribs from cracking, somebody might have been punched right in the neck.
Today has been a new day. We’ve turned a corner. Turned a new leaf. Started a new page. Launched a new chapter. All the metaphors for things improving.
I sent the boys to school today, which is pretty much Christmas with a bow on top for me. (I love them. And I enjoy them more when we don’t spend all of every day together.) I am still in recovery mode but definitely vertical, and all of this counts toward general happiness.
Third Grade Market Day is upon us today – read: a strong incentive for Tucker to get to school. They each got to choose a product, find a way to market and mass produce it (when I say ‘mass produce’ I mean for two dozen classmates), create a business plan, and finally sell their product.
After the very disheartening collapse of the near complete business plan called ‘How ‘Bout A Cookie?‘ we launched an even better plan called ‘How ‘Bout a Picture?”
(Mustaches, hats, thought bubbles, glasses, antlers, etc.) + (borrowing his mom’s iPad for the day) = Digital photos for all the third graders who choose to stop by Tucker’s Photo Booth. He made $36 in imaginary money, so I am told, which I think is an overwhelming success.
His friends created and sold paper dragons, bracelets (made by Grace, and thereby named Gracelets), and various sundries made of yarn. When I picked him up, I said, “Hey, T! How was Market Day?”
And he said, “Great! I bought a beard for Grandma!”
Which is pretty much one of the funniest things I’ve heard this week.
Barbara says:
What a cute post! So glad the virus is on its way out!! Very clever marketing plan there. Not to worry, Tricia. He will take care of you in your old age!