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A Wrinkle in Time

I am not a re-reader of books.  I am not a re-watcher of movies.  Once I know how it twists, turns, and lands, I don’t often feel compelled to revisit.  I think there are so many good books and movies out there – I should see them all once before I begin a repeat tour.


But I am rereading A Wrinkle In Time.


Because (by now you must know) I love all things Madeleine.  But really because sometimes God places books in my hands, in one way or another.  I believe this is one of those.


I contend that this is one of the most brilliant books ever written, and the Newbery folks were inclined to agree.


In this reread, I am nearly undone by the parallels.  Meg and Charles Wallace have lost their father so suddenly.  They don’t know where he is or how to get to him, but they know they must.  And they have to fight ‘the powers of darkness’ to get there.  Their journey is long and scary, and although adults have equipped them with wisdom and tools, the adults can’t do the living for them.  Book


And so they fight: for truth and goodness, for each other, and for their dad.


The boys don’t like that I’m reading this book.  It’s an older print, the pages are yellowed, and the cover is frightening.  Tucker calls it ‘the bad guy bible.’


(He believes every book I read is some form of the bible.)


I was reading as they swam, and Tucker got out of the pool to sit by me.  “Can you read that out loud?”


“Why, buddy?”


“Because I want to know what his voice sounds like.”  He pointed to the red-eyed moon on the front cover.  How endearing that he believes that my read-aloud would be a perfect inflection of the characters’ voices.


“Well, it’s kind of a scary book, Tuck.  But I’ll will read it to you someday, I promise.  Maybe when you’re ten.”


“How about when I’m seven?”


“No, I think ten will be better.”  Or maybe twelve.


“It’s too scary for me?”


“A little too scary for a boy your age, I think.
”  But really, kiddo, that sentence is true of so much of this greater story we are living.


My answer sufficed, and he splashed into the water again.


The thing is, there’s so much in this book that is true for him, so much that could equip and empower him.  Or, the tangible depiction of the ‘powers of darkness’ could make him feel even more like his life is spinning out of control.  I can’t risk that.


So we’ll evaluate again in a few years.  And for now, I’ll read silently.  And find myself undone.

Tricia Lott Williford

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  1. Hilary Inwood Deneufchâtel says:

    You’ve just totally freaked me out! I picked up “A Wrinkle in Time” (in our mission Guesthouse here in Benin, W Africa) last night and (re-)read it in a couple of hours. And loved it. I have actually passed it on to my 7 year old, with some mis-givings as to the darkness in it, but he has already read Narnia, and “The Last Battle” gets pretty dark.

  2. Becky Johnson says:

    Makes me want to read this one. My son, Zeke, fell in love with books because of this very book. I have read her other books for “adults” but honestly never thought o read the book that started her writing career! Now on my summer reading list.

  3. Jackie W says:

    My favorite book ever!


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