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Everything But A Cape

If your child is injured,

and what terrifies him most is having to eventually take off his t-shirt and thereby disrupt the wound again,

and he can’t enjoy fireworks for the fear of anything touching him,

and if you go to a nearby shop and beg for a pair of scissors

and they graciously give you a kind of intense wire cutters,

and then if you cut the shirt off your son in a way that is fearless and painless for him,

and then if you fashion said shirt into a new garment that is approved for theme park standards –

Superhero Girl In A Redand certainly more appropriate than what some of those yahoos are wearing all the live long day –

and then your son can watch the Electric Light Parade without tears,

you will feel like SuperMom.

True Story.


Tricia Lott Williford

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  1. Claire Pisor says:

    Great mom


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