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Deliciously Single, Deliriously Free.

Young happy woman standing in yellow rapeseed field holding a wh

I am deliciously single.

While I’m willing to admit that this could be a fleeting thing, that I may not always feel this way, here’s where I am right now: I don’t think I want to get married again.

And I certainly don’t need to.

I’ve got, let’s say, twelve years left with these two young men in my home. What if I pour myself wholly into them, instead of anyone else?

What if I choose to do this one thing really, really well? Without distraction?

What if I focus on building our really terrific three, and I stop thinking about us becoming a four?

Anybody can be somebody’s wife. Young happy woman standing in yellow rapeseed field holding a whBut only I can be this mom.

I’ve stepped out of emotional commitments.
I’m signing off the dating sites.
I am deliciously single.

And deliriously free.

Tricia Lott Williford

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  1. Nancy Somosko says:

    I believe you should focus on the boys and your writings. Raise them to be gentlemen and strive for excellent careers. If it’s GODS will he wil bring you a good man

  2. Lori F says:

    Tricia, I agree with you 100%. Been a single parent for 11 years and no regrets that I have been the “constant” for my daughters. So blessed~~

  3. Beth W says:

    I say give them 110% and when you least expect it, I bet you find “Mr. Right”.

  4. linda pedretti says:

    Amen, give all your love to those two boys until they are grown up, you will still be young and will have many years left to enjoy life.

  5. Denise says:

    . . . and it’s likely that a perfect partner for you is, indeed, on his way.

  6. Sarah says:

    Sounds like a great place to be!

  7. Amy D says:

    Yes, and Happy April Fool’s to you, too! 😉


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