Small Straight and a Full House
We have packed up three games, and we are in a red vinyl booth at what I want to call a Custard Stand. Because that’s just a charming place to picture. It’s very Happy Days.
Yahtzee is first.
“I’m rolling for fives.”
“I got two twos.”
“I have 30 points.”
“Can you wait until the end to announce your score?”
“I have 115.”
“Can you wait until the end?”
“I want to get a Yahtzee.”
“I want to get all the Yahtzees.”
“I have another small straight.”
“Well, you already took the points for that.”
“Then what do I have?”
“Not really very much”.
“That wasn’t a full house!”
“It was a full house!”
“What is a full house?”
“It’s two parents and three kids.”
“After this game, can we play Suspend?”
“After this game we will eat.”
“Just ice cream, though, right?”
“Right. Tonight is family game night, which means ice cream first, then dinner if you’re still hungry.”
(And if anyone ever asks you, you have to say I am the coolest mom you’ve ever had.)
“Why did you set up Suspend while we’re still playing Yahtzee?”
“I’m just getting ready.”
“Well, get ready in your mind.”
“Ice cream for everyone.”
Suspend was awesome and drew a crowd. Okay, not a crowd. But varying onlookers. It’s like PickUpStix, only it’s all about vertical balance. We. Love. It. And we were pretty much a live-action infomercial. I’m pretty sure more than one person left to go to the toystore.
And then we played Chicken Foot, or all of one round.
This particular version comes with honest-to-goodness bawking chicken sound effects. Which were perhaps a little much for the people around us, but the boys said it reminded them of my impersonations of an Emotional Chicken.
(I’m pretty spot on with the emotional chicken.)
This morning, one of them asked me this question – actually, honestly and truly, asked me this question: “Mommy, how come we never go anywhere fun or do anything interesting?”
Texas Mom says:
I am glad my son is in good company. Just hours after his surprise birthday party, my son asked, “Mom, what are we going to do to celebrate my birthday?”
Jessica Renshaw says:
Oh, brother! Little pill!
Jnet says:
You capture the stuff of LIFE and spread it out on paper – or my computer screen.