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Online Dating: So, There’s That.


Internet Dating Search.“So, tell me your story?”

We’ve got to somehow address the children we’ve each mentioned, and how they came to be though we are single parents.  I’ve been witty and funny, showing him I’m not a walking Eeyore.  We’ve got to start somewhere, and we’ve pretty well established the weather in Colorado.

“Divorced.  Three girls.  Their mom and I work together to raise them.”  That’s admirable.  I can respect that.

“And yours?” he asks.

“Well, I’m a widow.  My husband died three years ago, and since then it’s been me and the boys.”

“Wow.  I’m sorry for your family’s loss.  And so how was your day.  Beautiful, right?”

Okay, um, wow.  That’s officially the most abrupt change of subject I’ve experienced.  I mean, it’s kind of award winning.  The compassion is slightly underwhelming.  It’s not even like he’s limited to 140 characters or less.  They’re pretty liberal with the online writing space.

Oh, maybe we hadn’t covered the weather quite as extensively as he had hoped.

This totally makes me want to take this to the next level.

Tricia Lott Williford

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  1. Claire Pisor says:

    We are all definitely broken people in need of Christ’s love and healing. I am sorry that he had nothing more he could say; I am grateful Gid is leading you so clearly that you will have no doubt about the one whom God intends for you.

  2. Carol Longenecker Hiestand says:
    so not to the next level.
    Asking God to lead and guide you in this whole area. there are lots of good stories of online dating, but I have also heard some doozies.


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