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I Threw Up On My Shoes

I threw up on my shoes.

Red Woman Shoes

I threw up on my shoes behind a bush on the sidewalk at the side of the road on the campus of Point Loma Nazarene University in the rain.

And when I finished wretching, and I mean not just a little, I realized my new friend Seth was standing over me, holding an umbrella so I could vomit with some dignity.

I’m pretty sure that wasn’t included in the training manual for the Speaker Hosts of the event. “Should your guest become inordinately and ridiculously sick at a moment’s notice, please pull over and keep the umbrella close. And when she is finished, her hair will be matted and wet from the rain, strands sticking to her face. Her mascara will be racoonish and running down her face in streams. Please do not comment on this atrocity.” Seth was a pro. You’d think he had done all this before with someone, somewhere.

This is all quite unbelievably true.

I am prone to migraine headaches. And this one took me down for the count on what just happens to be a weekend I’ve been waiting for everyday for the last many months and probably most of my life if I’m honest.

The thing is, it’s not nerves. And the greater thing is that my pride won’t let anyone think it was nerves. I was so ready for this! My head and heart – fully engaged and ready to kick this thing. Instead, I have spent today in my hotel room with the lights out, the shades drawn, a pillow over my head, listening to The Runaway Bride on Netflix.

This isn’t how this was going to go. It isn’t.

(And this definitely is NOT how this is going to end.)

Tricia Lott Williford

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  1. Dana says:

    I hope you are feeling better! I loved your talk and was very
    touched by your story. You were flawless up there and real.
    I was truly amazed at your strength ! I have started your book
    and can hardly put it down!
    Blessings amazing Lady***

  2. Gretchen says:

    Tricia, YOU ROCKED IT. I’m a new, huge fan of you & your story. What’s a little puke among friends?

    PS & BTW, I attended Storyline with two of my dearest friends, one of whom is a widow, times 2.5 years. Watching her live her story, with open hands, & eyes/heart open to Jesus’ work in her throughout the most difficult time in her life has been nothing short of awe-inspiring. Bless you & your wee ones & your story. An honor that you would share with us. <3

  3. Kathy Kinaitis says:

    THREE EXCEDRIN MIGRAINE(has to be three) works every time.Much better than any perscription I have ever been given.A good friend had one of those black room, no movement, Im going to die and if I don’t I wish I would migranes.She had been to the top specialist in the field of migranes.I went over with Excedrin, gave her three ,30 mn. later she was great. Remember only 3 any less it won’t work, any more your dead(just kidding, I think)
    🙂 soon.

  4. Amber says:

    Oh! I’m so sorry Tricia!

  5. Claire Pisor says:

    Bless you for your tenacity in the face of obstacles–never let anyone cast doubt on the power of a heart of deep faith. Go get ’em, Tricia

  6. Terri says:

    I am so sorry! I am praying that your migraine eases and that the rest of your trip is just as wonderful as you have dreamed it would be!

  7. Patty Kline says:

    I’m glad it isn’t nerves! The earlier Barbara Streisand comment threw us off on that one. Praying for the nasty migraine to go away. Not what you needed right now.

  8. lindapedretti says:

    Migraines SUCK


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