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Tell Me Your Stories: Captured Moments

I write to capture the exquisite, fleeting moments of life in words that people want to read.

That’s my mission statement, crafted on a writing retreat as I was planning, praying, and writing, thinking about what this whole thing could look like.

I write to capture the moments.

It’s why I began writing in the first place: because these baby boys were growing up around me, and I liked blogging better than scrapbooking.

It’s why I began keeping the gratitude journal for Robb: because I needed to clear out some of the ungrateful criticism in my mind and make room to recognize the true gifts of his life in mine.

It’s why we endlessly document our lives in Instagram photos and Tweets of 140 characters or less: because life is a fleeting collection of moments and we’re already on to the next one.

It’s why I write everyday and why life is a bottomless well of writing prompts: because something’s always happening.

So, let me ask you:

What moment did you capture today?

I want to hear about it.

Tell me about the freckles on your daughter’s nose. The whipped cream on your mocha. The stripes on your umbrella. The knock-knock joke your kid just made up, the one that really has no punchline at all. Snowflakes on your windshield. Burnt dinner and smoke alarms. The feeling of his fingers laced between yours. Arriving early to school. Showing up late to work. Pillow Talk. Music to clean the house to, and a dance party for one. Someone held the door for you and you realized chivalry isn’t dead. You exchanged a glance with someone you love, and the moment held a dozen sentences you didn’t need to say. And it didn’t pass you by.

Quotes. Words. Moments.

I’m a glutton for such things. Give me yours, please.

Here’s how it works:

  1. At the top of the home page, Click on the My Story, then Your Stories, then scroll down to the blue button: Share Your Stories of Exquisite Moments.
  2. Type in what you would like to share. A word, a sentence, a paragraph, a short essay. Anything that captures your moment. You can give your name or be anonymous. Don’t freak out and don’t over-think it. Just say it – because it happened and it matters.
  3. You’ll get an email telling you that I got it, and I’ll publish it for you.
  4. Share the link to your moments on Facebook, Twitter, and anywhere you want.
  5. Each week, one person will receive a gift. I’m not telling you what it will be, because I’ll choose something different every week. But you’ll get something in your mailbox, from me. A special thank you for sharing your moment with me.

Go on. Go ahead. Do it. I can’t wait to see what you’ve found in your day.

Don’t let it pass you by.


Tricia Lott Williford

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