At a Loss for Words
There must be some way to describe
standing at the podium of my
favorite bookstore,
Reading a chapter and then telling some exclusive stories,
never before told publicly,
a complete sellout of inventory,
150 people in a space made for 40,
two blissful hours of signing messages inside the book I wrote,
talking to people who have followed from day one,
watching my 8-year-old work the room,
watching my 6-year-old sign his precious scrawling autograph on the dedication page,
and praying aloud in a very secular place that God may bless each person in the room, that as they read the story, they will find God and know truth and carry it into their world.
There must be some way to describe it.
Tricia Lott Williford
Alissa Cooprider says:
Hi Tricia!
It seems so odd to comment in this space- we don’t know each other at all- but I felt like I just had to! I’ve been following your blog now for a couple of years and have been so…challenged, encouraged ….so moved. So first, a big “thank you” is long overdue. Thank you! Second, I cried very happy tears when I read this post. I’m so so happy for you, and proud of you. Third, your book is being shipped to me as we speak. I am beyond eager to read it!
Kim A. says:
I’m sure if there’s a way to describe it, you will find the words.
I must say, Tricia, your writing has a way of making your reader feel exclusive. In fact, when I saw your video on FB scanning the room of the long line at the book table, I felt a little….hmmm….is jealous the right word….??
“Hey, that’s MY Tricia Lott Williford (even though I have never met you, I’ve read the blog since summer 2011), how do you know her? How did you know she had a book released today?” Then I realized, I’m clearly not the only one who feels that way, like you are writing each blog post so personally that it’s just for me to read; EVERYONE else thinks that, too!! How do you write like that? It is such a God-given gift to make your audience sense that.
I can’t wait to read your book and give it away to THREE newly-widowed ladies (since October!!) in my community.
Many blessings to you!
Hugs from PA!
~Kim A.
Jeanette Rorabaugh says:
Wish I could have been there. Congratulations!
Linda Thompson says:
Must have been a blessed day for you and your whole family, wish I could have been there. I do need to get a copy but think I missed my opportunity for the release:( God has truly blessed you with a great talent and you are using it and your life story for His glory, nothing better than that!! I am sad I will miss you when you are in Akron 🙁 but I know you will bless many once again in your hometown. Big hugs!! Love you!!
Cristi Welch says:
Thats AWESOME. Cant wait to read it. May God bless you abundantly above all that you could ask or think. In His Name.
Stephanie says:
In Chile, I am reading. Thankful for your gift of words and faith. Surely those who heard your stories in person, too, were blessed.
Sandy says:
So, so happy for you! I’m half way through on my kindle. Only problem is that you can’t sign it. 🙁
Lauren Shaw says:
I have been following your story since December 2010. When I heard about your husband, I was going through some struggles myself, so I was able to partially empathize with your grief. I have followed your blog ever since. You are an inspiration to me. Thank you for writing and publishing your book. Even though I knew your story and had already cried with you across the Internet through your blog writings, your book brought me to tears once again and reminded me of the strength God graciously gives us to deal with hard times. Thank you for being a great example of a strong woman. I hope that if I ever had to go through something similar, I would be able to do it with as much grace as you.
Ruthie says:
Oh Tricia, Praise the Lord! How surreal it must have been. I started reading your book last night and had to force myself to put it down because I knew morning would come, ready or not. I have been blessed by reading your words in this space since shortly after Robb’s death. Thank you for writing, for sharing, for inviting us in to some of your most sacred spaces.
anna whiston-donaldson says:
Amazing Grace!
Gwen douglas says:
Wish I could have been there to hear those exclusive stories. Know you were bowled over…SO happy for you. Just look what God has done. Your cup runneth over. God difinately wanted your story told
Debbie Farris says:
You did great, describing it. SO happy for you! Can’t wait to receive my copy!
Peg says:
I had your book delivered to my Kindle. I thank God that you had the courage to write your story. It was beautifully written and honored your life with your husband well. Prayers for you…
Adina Brown says:
All to the glory of God!
Jan Verhoeff says:
It was an honor to be present. Thank you for inviting me.