And Life Comes Back: Book Trailer!

And here it is, my friends: 3 1/2 minutes of what is to come. Enjoy the book trailer video for my new book!
Tricia Lott Williford
And here it is, my friends: 3 1/2 minutes of what is to come. Enjoy the book trailer video for my new book!
Debbie Farris says:
Can’t wait till my copy arrives. Thank you Tricia.
Mary Salamone says:
HI Trish,
When will your book be released in Feb? Can we download it through an on line bookstore such as Kindle /Amazon? Your blogs have been such an inspiration to me and I have enjoyed reading them for over a year now. It has been a pleasure getting to know you and your family. I cant wait to read your book!
Amy says:
What a precious gift for him! And what a treasure for your boys-to learn straight from their dad’s documented actions, how to be a loving husband. Wow!
Oh, and yes, your voice is totally different than what I’ve been hearing in my head when I read your blog. Funny how we perceive things.
Raena Liston says:
Loved your trailer! You have the sweetest, prettiest voice!
Brooke C. says:
Love the video. Can’t wait for my book to arrive!
Julia says:
I love the trailer and I can’t wait to buy the book!!! Have been worried about you and have prayed for you because of the silence :-).
Glenna says:
wait, WHAT?!?! This is the first post sent to me since the Science Fair post on Jan.20. I’ll have to “follow” again, too, and also go back and read everything I missed!
Jessica Renshaw says:
While I was commenting here that your video (vimeo) wouldn’t work for me, my husband was accessing it for me and we watched it together! He said he got to it by clicking on the link to YOUR blog which I just posted on MY blog today. If anyone else can’t access it any other way, go to and click on TriciaLottWilliford in today’s post, “Storyline.” (The other links–to your posts about Storyline–don’t go through. We’ll have to fix that. But the link to does. Go figure!)
BTW, when your posts stopped coming to my email I clicked “Follow” again and this morning’s came right through.
Is any of this intelligible?
Amber says:
Wow! I can’t wait to read your book! Your voice is higher than I imagined. 🙂
Jessica Renshaw says:
I’m all prepared to “like” it, Tricia, but there’s no video, just a picture of a video camera. I know you did this to tantalize us all the more and whet our appetites. We’ve pre-ordered your book so we’re already as tantalized as we can get. :o)