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It’s Not You; It’s Me.

If you’ve invited me to meet you for coffee, I have likely said no. And I’m sorry about that. It’s not you; it’s me.

I know it seems like I’m not working during the day, but I am.

I know it seems like I love to talk because I’m spilling words all the time, but I actually often have kind of very little to say.

I know it seems like, if I’m having a good day, if I’m in a good place, then I should be able to meet with someone I enjoy to make the day even better.

I know I may seem like an extrovert, and maybe I will be again.

I know I may seem like a hermit, and I probably am, just a little bit.

Please forgive me. It’s not you; it’s me.


I believe that solitude, more than anything, breeds creativity, breeds originality.

~ Elizabeth Berg

Tricia Lott Williford

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  1. Sharon says:

    I wish your book was out today instead of in two weeks! A music teacher friend of mine just lost her husband of 46 years. Thanks for sharing on the blog and in your book.


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