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My Heart In the Marketplace

“What comes up, way down at the bottom, is that my heart is still broken from bringing out Writing Down the Bones.”  I gasp. I clutch at my heart. What is this you say, Natalie Goldberg? Broken hearted from producing Writing Down the Bones?

This is the book I have bought so many times over, and I’ve given these copies to many of my friends who could be writing or should be writing or I just want them to think about writing for my own selfish motive of getting to read their words.

And here, in her book Thunder and Lightning, she begins with a warning: she has never gotten over the heartbreak of writing that beloved book that sits tattered on my cover and sewn into my writing life.

“All I feel is aching. I was so innocent – I didn’t know what it meant to put my heart in the marketplace,” she says.

Well, if ever some words will stop me in my tracks, it is these from my favorite writing mentor as my book will be released in something just over 20 days.

Is my heart about to break? Do I have no idea how innocent I am, and will I only learn of my naivete when I’ve put my heart in the marketplace?

And Life Comes Back is generous in all it gives away. Some of my first critics have said, “Oh, Tricia, your vulnerability. I read with a lump in my throat, so aware of all that you were so generously giving away.” And, “I read thinking, ‘sweet girl, you’ve said so much.'” Indeed, I have said so much.

Metaphorically speaking, my heart is about to be available everywhere books are sold.

My friend Natalie Goldberg (you know how I call my favorite authors by their first name once we’ve become so deeply acquainted? I somehow always call her by her first and last. Natalie Goldberg. Always Natalie Goldberg.) continues on that same page, “And now this? Art leads to suffering? But it was true. I’d seen it again and again. I don’t know any writer who’s happy. But what else is there to do?”

I ask the same question: But what else is there to do? Live silently, quietly, and let nothing come of the truth that I know?

Not write? Ha. As if.

Many people have asked me in the last week or so, “Are you ready, Trish?” “Are you ready for your books to hit the shelves?” “Are you prepared?” “Have you done all the things you can do to get ready for the big release?”

Well, I have no idea, you scary people who think out loud.

I feel like I’m standing at the edge of the water, watching the tide roll in. “A wave is coming,” everyone says. “Are you ready? Get ready! Brace yourself!”

How do you prepare yourself for such a tidal sloshing?

Well, in my summers at the beach and my honeymoons at the ocean, I’ve learned just a little about the waves. The greatest lesson is this: if I resolve to stand still and keep my toes firmly planted in the sand, then first of all, the sand is going to erode beneath the soles of my feet in a creepy-crawly way that feels like something is eating at my foundations. And then, even as I stand where I am and fight the current, I’ll get knocked to the ground, the sand will burn its signature into my knees elbows and left shoulder, and I’ll come up sputtering and coughing salt water.

But. If I go a little deeper and let the water wash over me, if I pick up my feet and roll with the waves, if I keep in mind that this is bigger than me, then I’m in for a great and wild ride for however long the wave will roll. That’s the rush that keeps me coming back for more, wave after wave, day after day, summer after summer.

My first book is released in a matter of days. So, my heart could get broken, sure. Natalie Goldberg’s certainly did.

But here’s what I know: when the clock strikes midnight and the calendar turns to February 18, the day of the grand release, I’ll be the same girl. I’ll pack lunches and take my kids to school, if I’m lucky we will arrive just after the second bell, and I will come back home, pour a hearty amount of cream into my morning coffee, and start writing again.

God will do what he will do, and there’s no controlling the waves around me.

So I might as well kick up my feet and feel the rush.

Tricia Lott Williford

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  1. Jessica Renshaw says:

    Tricia, just enjoy the thrill, opening the box of colorful covers containing YOUR STORY! Enjoy talking about it, answering questions, holding it up–a real live tangible book–at conferences. Enjoy having us line up for your autograph. Let yourself enjoy everything about being a published author!

  2. Lindsey says:

    Beautiful, Tricia! Love taking this journey of words with you. May you know the intimate blessing of the One who walks the waves. 🙂

  3. Patty Kline says:

    Who can ever really be fully prepared for something you’ve never experienced before? You’ve done a wonderful thing – written your first book – and so now, just let the rest happen and enjoy the surf!

  4. Lauren says:

    This is beautiful and brave. Everyone who’s ever written something and mustered up the courage to share it understands the gripping fear of being heartbroken when your precious words are exposed to the calloused eyes of the world. Vulnerability is hard, but it’s also freeing. And it’s a gateway to community and healing. YOUR words have been building community and working healing among your readers for a long time now, and it will be the same when your heart hits the shelves (wherever books are sold). Thank you for going deeper and rolling with the waves. I am one among many who are grateful you’ve made that choice.

  5. Jeanette says:

    Tricia – I read and reviewed an Advanced Reading Copy of your book. I’ve had a blog for a few years. It started out with a lot of my thoughts and feelings…and then became mostly book reviews. Mostly, I suppose, from the fear you describe – of not wanting to put my heart on paper for all to read. But I want you to know that after reading your book, you make me want to write again. Thank you for your vulnerability – I pray in advance that no comments will have the power to derail your confidence.


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