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i am a womn with obstucted use of her hnds

tricia, why are you typing like a womn with obstucted use of her hands?

red onn.  i have humbly decided nit to chafe any of my mistakes,

we were sledding. itwas great.
because i try desperately toob ea fun mom.
andwe were having fun.
the scenery aline was incredible,


tyler, canm i rde wth you?

sure mommy bt thujs wont end well.

i chise to ridenwith tuck, who had far more confidence in me.
we sailed dow the hull, and would yu believe,
we were headed straigt for the only man-made obstacle on the mountain.
an 8inchn ramp.

I kew, midair, if i lad on my back or may tailbone, the comforot of lifeas i know it will change.
so we hit the ramo and i sifted my weight to land wnywhere bt on the central core of my bodyl.
remember, i was sharng a sledm with tuck.

i dont really know what happened im the enxt few moments.
there was an explosing in my hand
and a scraping of my fac e over ice,
some oart of e landed on tucker,
bashng his head into the ice,
ice. not anow.
nothung powdery abiut it.

and this ended the fun.
off tothe hospital.
does tucj have a concussion.’
is tricias ha d brken,
and whats with all thus blood on her face?

xrays. poking. prodding.
hardcore pan meds that sent me into a fit of giggles that has been documented for pisterity,

it’s not broken.
honestly, i was slightlyh disappoited.
its likem when i went tothe hospital because contractions were four minutes aart and intense, and she said “no, honey. this isnt the real thing.”

the n what is the purpose of all thispain>?

its swverely spraied. and i a to see my doctor in the net fie days if the pain contiues, since there are some small bones i hte hand that can;t shiw that they are fractured until sweeling goes down andpeoiple tink they’re ready tp get back to ther lives.

this. is miservable. its enought to make a gir question the value of having fun in the fist place.


Tricia Lott Williford

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  1. Jessica Renshaw says:


  2. jjhil says:

    Oh my… Oh…. May you both heal well, and may Tyler quickly outgrow the urge to say “I told you so”. Go on with your fun mom self!

  3. Andrea says:

    AWWW Tricia! Josh read this to me 😀 had fun decrypting!

  4. Sue Muckley says:

    Tricia….I am so sorry to hear this.

  5. Jeanette says:

    You poor thing! How’s Tuck? Praying you’ll both be better soon. P.S. This is not your best photo. I would think twice before using it on the cover of your next book.

  6. Laura Thompson says:

    Omg… the sick sense of humor in me is dying laughing, out loud, right in the middle of the hospital where I work… I will pray the the next “fie” days go by swiftly for you!

  7. Lynda Wishart says:

    Iz a reel pizer when that hapenz…

  8. Mary-Margaret says:

    This is pants pee funny now that I’ve seen that you’re okay!

  9. Becky Johnson says:

    Oh, Darling GiRL! I’m laughing but with a lot of empathy….

  10. Christine O. says:

    Oh Tricia!


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