Hot Cocoa made of Chocolate Bars
In the evening, Vail Village is like Disneyworld after-hours. White lights, cobblestone streets, smoking chimneys, and heaps of charm.
We were on a shuttle to Vail Village, and it was standing-room only. Kids on laps, four people squished into a row for three, and yet nobody was unhappy or crowded. After all, we were all on our way to Vail Village. (See above.)
My dad held Tyler on his lap, and he said, “Tyler, let’s pretend we’re on the Polar Express.”
Tyler said, “We can pretend they dancing waiters are serving hot chocolate.”
And just like that, one of the men did a faux tap dance down the aisle, spinning and twirling, pretending to balance a tray above his shoulder. Children began to cheer, and grownups cried, “Wait! My ticket! I’ve lost my ticket!”
I love fun people.
Cathy Strait says:
I can hear the bell ringing…