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Blog Too Much?

“Do you think you blog too much?” An excellent question, posed by one of my mentors and greatest voices in my life.

I have to admit, my first response was monotone and choppy:  Blog Too Much. Does Not Compute.

There are some theories on blogging, on presence on the internet, building your platform, and creating your brand. Some of the gurus are suggesting we all back off a bit. Blog three or four times a week. Don’t flood the inboxes, or you’ll just smell like spam. There are business models of supply and demand, publishing once a week, letting your readers wait and crave and want.

I just don’t think that’s my gig.

I didn’t start blogging because it was a business model. I didn’t aim to build a platform.

I started blogging because I’m a writer and I needed to write. It’s like breathing, for me. It’s part of what I do. When I’m making dinner or stuck in traffic or dancing in my living room or hanging artwork, I don’t stop breathing just because I’m doing something else right now. It’s what I do – nearly involuntarily. Writing is breathing.

I started blogging because I’m a writer, and writers need readers, no matter what they tell you.

And then I met you.

Maybe someone forwarded a post to you with one line, asking you to read with them.
Maybe you found this clothesline of dirty laundry, and you binge-read every post from day one to the present.
Maybe you sign in on Saturday night after work, your date with me, your date with yourself, and you catch up on a week’s worth of stories.
Maybe you drink coffee with me every morning.
Maybe you stepped into a bookstore to step out of the rain, and you found yourself on these shelves.
Maybe you read a sentence and said, maybe for the first time, “Yes. That’s it. What she said. That’s what I wanted to say, what I’m trying to say, what I want my world to know.”
Maybe you joined the trenches when the bottom fell out of my world, and you were one of the invisible community who joined hands to form an unbreakable safety net, that I may never truly hit the ground.

There are people who give less as a strategy to sell more.
There are people who say “Authors write books, not blogs.”
There are people who create their brand and never vary from it.
These people are successful. And I applaud them for their strategy… since mostly, I don’t have a strategy. I’ve just got to do this.

For me, less isn’t more. More is more.
Authors write books and blogs.
My brand is Life Everyday,
Tell It How It Happened,
Say What You Mean,
and Think Out Loud.
Be There and Be Honest.
Read Every Comment and Email;
This is a Dialogue, not a Monologue.
Speak and Listen.
Write and Read.
Love and Be Loved.

You dropped into my life one day, and you didn’t leave. And here we are. Somehow, this ‘brand’ became a Relationship.

I’m in.

Do I blog too much? Probably.
But I’ll be back tomorrow. And the next day.
This is what we do, you and me.

Tricia Lott Williford

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  1. Alicia says:

    Tricia, thank you for what you do. Your writing is so human and beautiful.

  2. Glenna says:

    No, no, no! I glance over my Inbox and lavishly use the “delete” key before settling in, except I keep my eyes open specifically for YOUR POSTS, to be sure not to miss them. Often they are the first items I read when I DO settle in. THANK YOU FOR SHARING WITH US.

  3. KK Taylor says:

    Hah. You will never be spam in my mailbox!

  4. Debbie H says:

    I read you every day!!! I look forward to hearing your heart thru this blog. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your young sons. Don’t stop. More is More and we need More.

  5. Kristen says:

    I’ve never skipped a single blog post, and I look forward to reading your anecdotes every day. I get excited when I see there’s a new one! I saw you speak in person at the Chapel, and I was just hooked. You’re so talented, and you have a gift for taking complex subjects and making them relatable. I’ve also already pre-ordered your book, so you’ve got a lifelong reader in me! I just became a mom in April, and I’ve found myself filing away so many of your parenting techniques in hopes that I can use them as well as you do when my daughter is older. You’re wise beyond your years – that’s for sure.

  6. Renee says:

    I found you when I was researching strep pneumonia because my husband had it. Thankfully, he recovered but your story drew me in. It left me so thankful that God chose to give my husband back to me, and heartbroken for you. Then when my mom passed away unexpectedly your honesty through the grief process helped me. I still love to read your posts everyday about motherhood and life in general. I say keep posting every time the fancy strikes you.

  7. Brittany Johnson says:

    I started reading right after Robb passed, but I went back and read every single post to the beginning. I would read while nursing my oldest who is now 3. I check my email every morning, delete all the spam, and read yours. Every. Single. Morning. I don’t think you blog too much. I enjoy it. I still anticipate it. It is food for my mommy soul! I have my own group of “tuesdays” that read with me and we share. Thank you for writing and sharing your heart with us.

  8. kimreitman1478 says:

    I drink my coffee while I read your blog in the morning Tricia, and am always encouraged by you! I appreciate so much the fact that you are real and honest. Not many can say that these days. Thanks for sharing how Christ gets you through the day to day living. It gives us all the motivation to continue on.

  9. Kim A. says:

    Hey “Saturday night after work”, that’s me!!!! 🙂 (Except, I worked a Monday this week, so that’s why I came to visit tonight!) Your writing never disappoints—even when I don’t know what to expect when I arrive—and I get such a good “flavor” if you will (think Heinz 57–lol!) because I don’t read every day—I can scroll back and find something spiritual, something poignant, something hilarious and *always* something real. Keep writing: blog, book, FB, journal…you’ve got readers…you can’t get rid of us—we’re in!

  10. Beth LaBrunda says:


  11. HappyMomof5 says:

    Tricia, you absolutely don’t blog too much! You express the good and the bad of whatever is going on in your life; many times that mirrors something in my own life these days and somehow that makes it easier to cope. I think maybe that is because it just doesn’t feel like I am going about this alone, in the world of the widow. I still have trouble with that word, by the way.

    You are a writer and you have something to say to us, your eager readers. Please allow this relationship with your readers to continue on a regular basis. If we didn’t need it in our lives, we wouldn’t come back regularly; but we do, because it fills a void.

  12. Becky Alexander from Green, ohio says:

    And I am thankful!

  13. Marilyn Ferbrache says:

    I’m glad you’re in. I’m in, too!

  14. dededeann says:

    Whew! I was getting nervous that you were going to choose the blog less route!

  15. Jim Stevens says:

    Don’t worry, if you blog too much for me, or for anyone else for that matter, we can just opt out. You do what you do because you love it. We do what we do because we like it. Just keep doing what you do. And, if people get tired of it, they’ll just fade away. Besides, for whom are you writing, me or yourself. I think for yourself, for your satisfaction, so just don’t worry about anyone else. Do what you want to do. How can it possibly hurt anyone? For me, I doubt I’ll just fade away. . .but who knows what tomorrow will bring? So, if you’ve not figured it out yet, I vote that you blog as much as you want as long as it doesn’t take away from family, friends or you yen to do books.

  16. Erin says:

    Thanks for keeping up your end…i’ll be sure to keep up mine;)

  17. Betsy Carneal Salzman says:

    We read because you are “real”… is not fair at times and being a Christian and living this life here on earth is hard sometimes. “Meeting with you each morning” helps us all to be “OK” with being “real”.

  18. kristi says:

    Keep blogging…I need to hear from you…to know you are pushing through. When I see the alert on my phone that you gave posted something I read it then and there….grocery store, bathroom, in line at the post office. Please. Post away.

  19. Anja Amtage says:

    If writing is like breathing for you, reading your words is breathing for me! I read your blogs the second I get a notification! And I’m all the way in Germany…oh the time difference!
    I cry with you, I laugh with you, I think with you! Don’t start blogging less, you’re my addiction, your words are a breath of fresh air each time!
    Hugs from Frankfurt!

  20. LaRae Davenport says:

    I love getting my email alerts that you’ve posted….it’s like ‘what nugget of wisdom/humor/life/reality’ will this one hold?! Keep it up….multiple times a day 🙂

  21. amber peters says:

    I don’t think you blog too much. I enjoy your little anecdotes as well as your deep and raw entries. They amuse me and also give me permission to feel certain ways.

  22. Jodi Tucker says:

    Sounds good here. I will keep reading whatever you write whether it’s funny or sad or mundane or exciting or inject-adjective-here…..because your writing is real and has many adjectives to describe it. 🙂 I joined the blog community shortly before Robb’s entrance to heaven when Bethany said, “Hey, Mom, you’ve got to read this teachingtuckandty blog. It’s great.” And so, I will stick with blogs and books because they both have value. :).

  23. Stephanie says:

    I have loved to read and to write for as long as I can remember. Blogging has given me that chance for many years now. It is how I let things out, how I organize my thoughts regardless of how disorganized life can sometimes seem around me. It is how I remember the moments, even years later, that I would have otherwise forgotten. It is how I recognize what God is doing in my family, ministry, life. I like that about your blog, the snippets of real life moments and thoughts and feelings, and I read it every time you post. Even all the way down here in Chile! 🙂

  24. Patty Kline says:

    Oh yea!!!!! I’m glad this is what you need to do, girl!

  25. His Sparrow says:

    Read you every day – and am always blessed by your words. Don’t stop!

  26. RuthintheDesert says:

    I enjoy your posts and your style.

  27. Katy Kloosterman says:

    Stay true to yourself Tricia. It is who God designed you to be. It is a joy and privilege to be invited into your journey. Blessings to you.

  28. Liz says:

    I drink coffee with you every morning!

  29. Cheryle says:

    And THANK YOU for it.

  30. Kristi McElroy says:

    I wait for you everyday…. I don’t write… I read- and things that I love to read, I read everyday…like breathing… I would be so sad if you stopped blogging each time you have something to say! … you are my “oh yay” moment every time I get a notification. Keep blogging ♥ We’ll all keep reading

  31. Maryellen Montague says:

    Not too much for me. I keep tuning in.

  32. says:

    Thanks Tricia!  I absolutely don’t think you blog too much!  I have loved “living” life with you these past few years.  I started reading your blog after Robb passed away.  It was forwarded to me as part of a prayer request and I have since felt like we were friends!

    I live up in Summit County, so I can somewhat connect to your stories that include Colorado “stuff” and have 3 kiddos who are 5, 7, and 9 so can relate in that space too.

    Thanks for sharing your life with us.  I pray for you friend.


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