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“No Touchy the Bloggy.”

I have a most excellent graphics designer who partners with me on many levels of my life. She is the one in charge, hereby, heretofore, forevermore and furthermore hitherto.

Sarah Barber of Simple Root Media is an expert in her field, and she maintains clients all over the country even while she loves on her curious preschooler and keeps her baby on a schedule that would impress the Baby Whisperer. She thinks with me, she thinks *for* me on occasion, and she makes me laugh.

You can imagine her dismay when I sent her a late-night text to say, “Sarah? Are you awake? I messed up my blog. Seriously.”

I was nosing into what should just be Sarah’s element (see first paragraph above), and I deleted the Featured Posts and ultimately the Home Page. I’m not really sure how that happened.

If you were to visit my blog last night, you would have seen a polite message from my web host that said, “This is somewhat embarrassing, isn’t it? We can’t really find what you’re looking for.”

Translation: Tricia is curled in a fetal position, muttering the words “Featured Posts… Featured Posts…” and she doesn’t know how she will explain this to her agent, editor, publicist and publisher. And a few thousand readers. Particularly because she has no idea what has gone wrong.

In my panic, I quickly made a new page, titled it “Featured Posts,” and prayed that would magically restore all things ruined. It was a very right-brained, faith-based approach. There was no logic to it at all. But I wasn’t above it.

It was 10:00 at night. In my distress, I had forgotten to put the children to bed. They were watching yet another episode of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Max had left two piles of poop on the floor. And I was pacing the bathroom, tracing lines down the tiles with my big toe, begging God to spare one internet-savvy angel to please, please save the day.

Sarah Barber is indeed this internet-savvy angel who has swept in and saved the day. In fact, this ‘little hiccup’ led us to talk about the major overhaul that will be my website within the next year. So stay tuned for all that will be bigger and better and book-friendly. That’s Sarah’s domain.

She finished the night with one more text: “No Touchy the Bloggy.”

Deal.  I have learned my lesson.  And with God as my witness, she will never again have to buy a cup of coffee on my watch.

My treat. For life.

Tricia Lott Williford

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  1. Kim A. says:

    “No touchy the bloggy” HA! Love it!

  2. Jeanette Rorabaugh says:

    A bathroom large enough to pace in? Wow!


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