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Hello, Songza. Meet My Friends.

Has anyone introduced you to Songza? Allow me.

Songza is my favorite app for choosing music to accommodate the mood, environment, and setting for my listening pleasure.  It’s sort of like a personalized Pandora.

With Songza, when I sign on, it prompts me with a series of questions.

Good morning, Tricia.
It’s Tuesday late morning where you are.
What are you in the mood for today?
Would you like to play music for driving?
Soaking up the sun?
Taking a Sunny Stroll?
Taking the Day Off?
Working at your desk?
Hanging out with your Family?

I’m sort of working at my desk, if by ‘desk’ you mean the couch at the coffee shop, and by ‘working’ you mean the exhiliration of writing, which feels like taking my brain for a bike ride.

I choose Working at my Desk.

And then Songza asks a few more questions to clarify: Tricia, would you like music with lyrics or without lyrics?  Classical?  Jazz?  Movie Scores?

I choose Music without Lyrics, Movie Scores.

And just like that, Songza presents me with several complete playlists to accomodate my working mind on this Tuesday morning.

The options are endless. I’ve used Songza for laying on the beach (Ultimate Beach Party Playlist), boosting confidence (Eye of the Tiger Playlist), a brisk walk (Happy Pop Hits), a dinner party (The World of Nat King Cole), and even creating an avenue for my mind to pretend I’m somewhere else so I can write about somewhere I’ve never been (French Hip Hop Playlist).

Songza is also a great option for when you’re in the car with the new special someone in your life, you need some music to fill the not-yet-comfortable silences, but you’re not ready to pop in your iPod to reveal your guilty pleasure playlists featuring Brittany Spears or your affection for Simon and Garfunkel. (You can tell a lot about a person from their playlist options. It’s a lot to give or receive right away.) And so, you get out your savvy phone and you say, “Songza, I’m driving in the car and I’d like to listen to a male singer/songwriter today, on this Friday evening.”

Bam. ‘World of John Mayer.’ Perfection.

And if it happens that a song pops up and you think, “What the… I don’t want to listen to this!”  Well, then Songza picked it.  Not you and your iPod.  🙂

Go ahead and download this app, if you haven’t already. You won’t be sorry.

My brother, his wife, and I were doodling around on Songza to find just the right playlist for our California drive last week. Since there are hundreds of options under any activity you can imagine, there’s a playlist for everything.

“Hey, Rob, listen to this – there’s a Playlist called Songs to Take a Dump To.”

I personally couldn’t think of a song that would encourage or set the mood for a big job in the bathroom. Whaddya say, Songza? We just had to see what Songza might recommend.

Oh, but here’s one catch: if you sign on through Facebook, Songza will market himself by posting your music choice on your wall, under ‘recent activities.’ (Do you see where I’m going with this?) FB reads: Tricia Lott Williford is listening to Songza: Songs to Take a Dump To: Lynard Skynard: That Smell.

Um, no she isn’t. Service: disabled.

Anyway, get Songza. And then disable the services that tell the world you’re in the mood for Making Out on a Saturday Afternoon.

Tricia Lott Williford

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  1. Alicia says:

    I love this! Spotify has a similar app in it but not as personalized.

  2. Stephanie Wilson says:

    Hello Songza, It’s so nice to meet an app that already knows me so well. I’ll have to drop a line to Tricia to thank her for the introduction. It’s Wednesday morning and I’m sitting on the “throne”. What shall you play for me? 😉

  3. Jodi Tucker says:

    I did sign up with email not Facebook. :).

  4. Jodi Tucker says:

    Songza! I love it! Tricia Lott Wiiliford, you are helping to keep me in the 21st century as a 55 year old music teacher in Cuyahoga Falls. I still like my old 33RPM albums, but this Songza is waaaaay cool. Thank you for the introduction to it. :).


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