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Tricia Lott Williford

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  1. Sue Muckley says:

    Diego Zhangs’s?

  2. Dolores Kijanko says:

    Dear Tricia, Thank you for making me smile, think deeply, sigh, wipe tears…and this morning laugh out loud! I’ve been wanting to respond to your blog posts so so many times….yet either I’m running out the door or I’ve thought…”she has enough of those to read”! But this morning I have the time, I have my good cup of coffee in front of me and that laugh felt so good…I just had to say “hi”!

    My husband and I were long time members at The Chapel in Akron. (We now live in Georgia north of Atlanta in the mountains.) We knew the Williford’s through The Chapel and because my husband Tony coached football at Stow High School, and we lived in the Stow community where they lived.

    I heard from Steve and Rachel Morley about your writing and your blog. (We’ve been working through the school year at Taylor University with the Morley’s….Tony coaching football and I mentoring women. I know…it’s complicated. We have an apartment on campus and our “home” is in Ga.) I was the one who posted several months ago on FB…”I found you!”

    All of that only to give you a little background on how I started reading your blog posts. The reason I continue…is because in so many ways I am you! I am an author YET I am one who only dreams of being one…I love my pen and my paper…the keys on the IPAD….words….expressing my heart and what God teaches and opens my eyes to through my pen. I LOVE reading what you write…and KNOWING YOU ARE ACTUALLY DOING WHAT I LONG TO DO!!

    AND…I LOVE your personality! I like imagining you with Rob. I also so so like your courage and your spunk! I wish I could say those words that sometimes come to my mind yet I don’t write down. I laughed out loud at the end of your “the eve of vacation” post. And I also thought, “I’d love to invite them to enjoy our home in these beautiful mountains one day…”

    So…I’ve finally said “hello”. And I also want to say, “Thank you” for taking the time that I often don’t. I read your posts every day. I think of you often. I pray for you and the boys. When I pray, “May the words that come from my pen be as a skillful writer”….I think of you, and pray that over you as well.

    May God continue to bless you and keep you close precious Tricia. With much love and gratefulness, Dee Kijanko (The Williford’s will remember us as Tony and Dolores)

    Sent from my iPad

    • Tricia Lott Williford says:

      I’m so thankful you said hello, Dee! We seem to have more than a dozen points of contact between the people you and I each know. 🙂

      Thank you for your kind words today. Beautiful, fun, encouraging, and bright.

      p.s. Start a blog. You totally should. Easy, free, anonymous. 🙂


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