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Why I am Not Resting Today

Tyler has turned six today. Six years old. That’s real deal. That’s counting with two hands.


“Mommy, for my birthday, I would like to have my holiday.” This is the one day of each school year that each boy can choose to play hookey and enjoy a fun day with Mom all day long.

He made a picture list of places and events he would like the day to include, and he added, “And if you have any meetings, please skip them. And no phone calls and no texting. This is my day.”

Well done, little man. Way to know your love language.

We had cupcakes and presents for breakfast. We have done McDonald’s for second breakfast, created a new friend at Build-a-Bear, splurged at the Dollar Store, eaten lunch at Noodles, and next we will go to pick out his DQ Cake and then home to watch the Redbox movie he chose and then we will pick up Tucker from school and go to Chuck E Cheese for dinner.

I know. It’s a lot. But it’s his birthday. Birthdays matter to me.

And I can’t let this year go down in history as “well, except for the year I turned six. Mom was having a hard time that year.”

But between you and me, I’ll add these few details of honest to goodness truth.

Birthday festivities threw off our morning routine in big -great and important – ways. We were dropping Tuck off at school when I realized I hadn’t given one look to his homework, we left his backpack at home, and he had no lunch for the day,

Bummer. Add to the agenda: Take Lunch to Tuck, for which I was supremely late, missing his entire lunch period and recess. He got to eat his Chick-Fil-A kids meal in the office, which I’m hoping turned out to be a treat away from the classroom and not a lame excuse for a mom who couldn’t get there.

I didn’t get dressed before we left this morning. That means McDonalds in my jammies, with my hair all in its morning goodness, and my only makeup being yesterday’s eyeliner.

But I’m doing the day. Because it’s my son’s birthday. And I will, at least to the best of my ability, influence how this day goes down in history.

Happy Birthday, Tyler.
Your creativity challenges me to think,
Your joy challenges me to celebrate.
Your resilience challenges me to soar.
Sweet child, my forever boy,
I am so thankful you are mine.

Tricia Lott Williford

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  1. Jo says:

    You are doing a great job! Your sons are so blessed to have you for a mother.

    I just let let my son play hooky for his 8th birthday, too. 🙂 I haven’t had a lot of money since the divorce, but I do try to make birthdays special.

  2. Cam says:

    I would consider this “rest”…. rest from the daily routine, rest from writing, rest from the normal of every day. This sounds like a day that will be remembered for the REST of a little boys life… the day on my 6th BD that I was able to do whatever I wanted with my mom. Your are the best.

  3. jjhil says:

    Happy Birthday, Tyler, and many more!

  4. Christine O says:

    Wow 6! Hey kiddo, way to celebrate your day!

    Remember Tricia, it’s how you made them feel that they will remember.


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