Even Worse Than Daylight Savings
As if Daylight Savings isn’t degrading enough, all this business of going to bed while the sun is still out, it’s exceedingly worse when you have to go to bed early because you were disrespectful to your mom.
And then you can only listen out your window as all the neighborhood kids play, and occasionally you yell out to them about the horrible state that is your life and how unreasonable your mom is.
I realize it’s not customary to write in second person. I’m just guessing you can imagine, you can feel the pain.
Such a bummer. Guessing respect is a high premium, then.
Tricia Lott Williford
jjhil says:
You go, mom! Clearly, someone was too tired to maintain a respectful demeanor, a little extra rest should be just the cure 🙂
Hope you’re also getting your rest…