One friend lost her dad this week. Suddenly, unexpectedly. I pray for her courage as she is with her family, a broken tribe without a patriarch.
One friend just learned of many cancerous lumps growing within her. I pray for her strength to begin this journey.
One friend just learned that the ultrasound found nothing for concern, there is no need for biopsy. I rejoice with her for the good news that is a relief to us all.
One friend is carrying the weight of so many others, and I am honored to carry her.
It’s a privilege to love so deeply.
And it hurts so good to have the strength once again to carry anyone at all.
Tricia Lott Williford
Kim A. says:
Galatians 6:2
English Standard Version (ESV)
2 Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.