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That’s What Leaders Do

Leaders make life better.
They believe and develop.
They identify giftedness and call it out.
Leaders leave the works and others better as a result of their presence,
And they influence those they love.

But for whatever reason, a lot of us run away from it. This makes me angry for you, one of our world’s best leaders. It makes me angry for all of us: the world that needs us to come out of the shadows and be the leaders we were created to be.

God designed women to lead. He designed us to use our place of influence to change lives.

Think of a woman in your life who has made a marked difference for you.
What would your life have been if she hadn’t noticed you, affirmed your gifts, challenged your strengths, and kicked you in the pants when you needed it?

Perhaps it was a teacher, a coach, an aunt, your mom, a boss, a friend.

Whoever she was, she led you to a place you had never been before. She led you to something you didn’t see possible. She inspired hoped and infused confidence. That’s what leaders do.

You have a sphere of influence, a circle is people who are looking to you and desperate for you to call them to greatness.

The question is no longer, “Are you a leader?” It is whether you’re ready to be a great one.

~ Just Lead!, Sherri Surratt and Jenni Catron

Tricia Lott Williford

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  1. Christine O says:

    That is SO true! We need to embrace it.


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