Happy Valentines Day.
May hearts and candy and joy and happiness and a million happy ever afters belong to you.
Or, just get through the day. That’s okay too.
The best and worst of days is never more than 24 hours long.
So if today is your favorite day of the year, live it up in your reds and pinks. And by all means, have frosting. Live it up; it’s over at midnight.
If today is a hard day for you, then be nice to yourself. Do kind things to encourage yourself. Don’t bother to protest or boycott. That’s a whole lot of emotional energy you don’t get back. Just do the day. And remember: it’s over at midnight.
Here’s the thing about February 14: the next day is February 15.
It’s just one day. May your 24 hours be yours.
Tricia Lott Williford
Raena Liston says:
Your line about “The best and worst of days is never more than 24 hours long” really jumped out at me. That was really good! Thank you. Raena
Christine O says:
HappyMomof5 says:
Thanks, Tricia, for sharing what you have learned.
Patty Kline says:
Here, here. Well said. I intend to be good to myself today, and be thankful for the gift of life, family and friends.
somethingsage says:
You know what’s so great about February 15th??? 75% off chocolate sales! Woohooo!
Patti Teats says:
Such wisdom, Tricia! Thank you for sharing your thoughts and your heart.