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Where Are You Speaking?!

Tricia, you mentioned Ohio.
But where in Ohio are you going?  
When are you coming?  
What’s the story, and can we come?

Here’s the story, my friends.

I am traveling to Ohio this weekend for a women’s retreat in a Cleveland hotel, sponsored by the unbelievably gracious women of West Hill Baptist Church.

We are going to talk about the seasons of the heart – winter, spring, summer, fall – how I have experienced them, what we can learn from them, and what journeys and tasks are most futile and most fruitful in each season.

It’s going to be beautiful.  And even now, I’m praying for the women who will sit in every chair in the hotel ballroom.

So, that’s where I will be this weekend.  And I do wish I could invite you all.  But hotels get finicky about things like fire codes and capacities and paid registrations.  🙂

If you’re interested in inviting me to speak at your church’s retreat or event, or perhaps to teach at a writing seminar or conference in your community, I am honored and very open to the idea.  So, shoot me an email.  We’ll talk and brainstorm and make it happen.



Tricia Lott Williford

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  1. Sue Muckley says:

    Tricia I am so excited about this new chapter in your journey. God is so gracious and abundant in his provision. GREAT IS THY FAITHFULNESS!!! I am privileged to watch His hand in your life.


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