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How to Write a Sentence

How to Write a Sentence.

This is the title of the book I’m reading for the course I’m taking for the book I’m writing for the career I’m striving toward.

Studying sentences makes my head spin.  I feel like a musician, who learned to play by ear, that is now required to learn the math of music theory.

It’s like explaining a joke or dissecting a frog: once you’ve taken it apart, there’s nothing left.

At least that’s what I feel like today, as I sit in the minds of the great sentence artists and wish to know what they know.

Sometimes I just can’t put it into words.

Tricia Lott Williford

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  1. Richard Bagwell says:

    I felt that way in school when we had to diagram sentences. I am still at a loss as where to use a colon or a semicolon, when to end a sentence or a paragraph for that matter.

  2. Joan Robin says:

    Ooooo Tricia, toward is a preposition.


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