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Whine Fest

I had to separate the boys for excessive laughing and sound effects in their shared bedroom.  Of course that became a whine fest about how sad and scared they are, blah, blah, blah, mommy, mommy, mommy.

Sorry, dude.  You should have obeyed.  Next time, think about how you don’t like solitude before you compete to make farting sounds in the crook of your elbow.

Tyler, usually the less brave of the two, is feeling the strength for the evening.  So he decides to share the wealth.

I hear him sneak down the hall to my bedroom and whisper words of encouragement.

“Tuck, it’s okay. I promise.  God is in your heart, and he is on your side.  Just listen to him.  It’s okay if you can’t hear him, because he’s still there.  I promise.  You are okay, and you are safe, and God is with you.  Now, just stay still, and I’ll come back with some books for you.  That will help your mind.  And when you close your eyes, just think of Super Mario Brothers.  That’s what I do.  Remember that God is with you.  I’ll be right back.”

(They’re learning.)

Tricia Lott Williford

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  1. Patty Kline says:

    Oh, that’s precious! They are learning all right, and you are teaching! Those are good words for me to heed, too. I’ll also have to try the Super Mario Brothers trick.

  2. Betsy Carneal Salzman says:

    You should print this up and hang it on your bedroom mirror:) When you get discouraged, you will be reminded that your journey is creating strong wise men of God… are doing great, Tricia…….

  3. Amber Peters says:

    Aw, that is so sweet…and redeeming of the situation! 🙂


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