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Hung By The Chimney With…

There’s a reason, I suppose, why the poem doesn’t read,

“The stockings were hung by the fireplace vent with care, soon to be charred from roasting up there.”

Sorry ’bout that, stockings.


Tricia Lott Williford

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  1. Kim A. says:

    You are just TOO funny! So glad you didn’t make the season “bright” with flames!!!! Yikes!

    (BTW, It’s my Saturday night “date”—winding down after work—with your blog–to catch up on your life and I wanted you to know that I prayed for you all through this “second anniversary” without Robb.)

    Hugs from PA,

  2. Richard Bagwell says:

    I am so glad you did not burn the house down, I once had a close call with a towel in the microwave that I had placed some wet gloves on to dry while I was home for lunch. It seems the towel incinerated after I left to go back to work.


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