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It’s a Boy!


One of my favorite guilty pleasures in the world is to hear what new parents are having: a boy or girl.

That’s not the part worth confessing.  I delight with them over the news, either way.  Because there’s just no season like that one, no surprise quite like that one.

But, my favorite – my favorite – is when I learn about a family, with a slew of compliant little girls, who is having their first boy.

I nearly rub my hands together and laugh maniacally.  I want to say, “Dude.  Your life is so about to change.”

But instead, I say, “Boys are so great.  Hooray for baseball caps and overalls.”

Because boys are great.  And I’m a sucker for little boys’ accessories.  (In their infancy, it’s all in the shoes.)

But every time I see a family sitting quietly at a restaurant with their little girls who sit quietly and color quietly,

or when I hear mothers of girls talk about how precious snow days are because their little girls can color for hours and play in their dollhouses and not do a single thing to try to tear the house apart or down or off its hinges,

I think: That family needs a dose of BOY.

There’s nothing like it.  Boys are great.  I wish you one of your own.

And buckle up.  Because, dude.  So about to change.

Tricia Lott Williford

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  1. Lisa says:

    I have a 13 yr old boy and a 7 yr old girl. Guess which one is my challenge? My DRAMA FILLED girl. So don’t always assume that girls quietly sit and color. 🙂

  2. Karen says:

    I have an 8 year old boy, my only child, and let me tell you he is ALL boy. I so GET what you are saying! Since God saw fit to bless me with only one child I am so grateful it was a BOY!!! Boys ROCK (and jump, and crawl, and climb, and roll, and spin, and run, and yell, and …………)

  3. michelle Oglesbee-Flores says:

    LOL….so very, very true. Boys are sooo totally opposite than the quiet girls.

  4. Jackie says:

    I have two well behaved daughters who love to color at restaurants as we wait for our meal to arrive. They love their dollhouses and guess what… I’m Pregnant! I will be finding out what I’m having in two weeks and if this family is welcoming a boy into our princess household, we’ll have to “buckle up” for the change!! I’ll have to brush up on your previous posts about the boys since you always have such wisdom when it comes to raising them. Love from Houston!

  5. Janel says:

    Having two girls, ages 2 and 4, I’m not sure what this “sitting quietly in a restaurant…” is! The only time I’ve had that experience is when I am alone, lol! I don’t think that’s a boy or girl thing. I’m pretty sure that’s a “young child” thing 🙂

  6. Stephanie says:

    I grew up with 2 little sisters, went to girl scout camp, and in my college years, became the RA of the all girls dorm. boys scare me. when I become a mother, if I have boys, I don’t know what I’ll do with myself. I don’t get boys!

  7. Patty Kline says:

    Lol! I’m sure that’s true in some cases, Tricia. I didn’t get to experience having a compliant girl, though, having had three strong-willed, very energetic daughters!

  8. marie foster says:

    My two boys who are 8 & 6, are total nuts. Running, jumping, crashing, breaking, etc. Total boys. Fast forward to when the ringleader, I mean my oldest, is four. Along comes a sparkling little princess. Dressed in pink with butterflies, flowers and all things fru-fru from head to toe. She is now four and runs her brothers and the house. She is tougher than the both of them combined. She manages to accomplish this utter demolition, I mean domination, wearing nothing but pink and purple with bling and all things princess. Who knew?

  9. kathryn P. says:

    I think you have been sorely misinformed about girls. You should hang out with my two.
    “But every time I see a family sitting quietly at a restaurant with their little girls who sit quietly and color quietly,or when I hear mothers of girls talk about how precious snow days are because their little girls can color for hours and play in their dollhouses and not do a single thing to try to tear the house apart or down or off its hinges.”
    ^^^I’d like to meet these parents and children. Those do not exist in my house. My house in a constant state of disarray, not because I do not constantly pick it up or clean it, but because my girls are destructive. I walked upstairs yesterday to find it a complete disaster because a castle fort was under construction.

  10. Richard Bagwell says:

    My brother has 2 girls and they have a been a handful, my mother had 2 boys and wanted girl, but after helping my brother, she is glad she never had girls. LOL


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