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I Heart the Lowercase i.

We are a tangled mess of arms and legs, this trio.
We are snuggled up like the grandparents in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. All piled into one bed, feet to head, head to feet, the occasional mosaic of the letter H or the I.

I bought an iPad today. The boys are on their iPods. Tuck spent some time on my MacBook. They alternate by trading their devices or using my iPhone.

We are an Apple Family. It’s a little scary how much this is true.

Instead of counting the dollar signs in this bed, I choose to measure the creativity and brain power. As part of me acknowledges how we are painfully spoiled in contrast to the rest of the world, I will also commit to use these amazingly intuitive devices to contribute to the world.

Interestingly, while I would never consider shorter fingernails for my piano teacher of eight years, I’m thinking about trimming them for this iPad keyboard.


Dear Apple,
I am sorry it took me so long to find you.
I shall never let you go.
All my love,

Tricia Lott Williford

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  1. Susan DuBose says:

    Yep, yep, yep….after years of saying, Really? How much better can it truly be, I jumped to iPhone and used hand-me-down iPad in six weeks’ time. By then, I felt duty-bound to bow to the late, great Mr. Jobs and say, I get it, I get it…. (sent from my iPad). ~Susan


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